Chapter 34

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Ashley’s POV

I checked my phone after the show and I saw a text from Christine. I opened it, not expecting what I read. My Jaw dropped. “That bitch.”

I called her, as Jinxx walked up.

Me: “Baby, are you ok?”

Her: “Yeah I’m fine. The students horse had her throat cut, she bled out real bad, didn’t make it. Ash, she’s the one that drove you into the ditch.”

Me: “Are you serious? Why would she want to do that? I thought she wanted to try and get me back?”

Her: “Because her theory was if she couldn’t have you no one could. She thought you were dead til she saw you at the club that night. She isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed is she?”

Me: “HAHA, you have no idea.”

Her: “Well, when you come back for tour you have to go to court to press charges, we have to go back in three weeks. I’ll get her on trespassing and the horse’s owner will get her for the cost of the horse plus inhumane acts on an animal, I don’t know which ones specifically. And the State’s charging her with attempted murder on you. Plus whatever charges she’ll get when you press yours.”

Me: “Wow, ok babe. Glad you’re ok. I have to get going, we don’t have long to shower before we have to get back on the bus. Looks like I’m going last tonight, so my water will be cold.”

Her: “Couple more day’s baby, and I could warm that shower right up!”

Me: “Mmmm babe, don’t tease. I love you.”

Her: “Love you to Ash.”

Jinxx was still standing there, staring at me. “I’ll tell you all when we get to the bus.”

After we all had our showers and sat down on the bus, I finally told them what happened with Steph. They couldn’t believe she would go to those lengths. I’ll be honest it shocked me too. “I hate to say it but I’m glad it was the horse and not her, or anyone else on the property.”

“Dude, that chick lost her damn mind,” CC stated, “who knows what she could have done to anyone else. I’m glad she’s put away. On a lighter note, aren’t you and Jinxx excited to be seeing the girls?”

Jinxx smiled, “I am literally counting hours right now.”

I laughed. I was excited, so excited my heart almost beats out of my chest when I think of it. “I have a surprise for Christine when she gets here.” I pulled a ring box out of the cabinet.

Andy nearly flipped, “You got her an engagement ring? Aren’t you moving a little fast Ash?”

“It’s not an engagement ring. It’s a promise ring, or a ring of fidelity, here, look.”

Andy open the box and removed the tiny black titanium band that it held. Engraved across the top was the word ‘Fidelity’ and on the inside our names were engraved.

“Ash, it’s really nice, dainty but not too girly, I think she’ll love it.”

“I hope so. Enough with the heavy, lets have a few drinks, I could use something strong after that news.”

~time lapse to Monday~

Christine’s POV

“Have I ever mentioned how much I HATE flying?” I was shaking, I really hated planes, I only ever flew once.

“Only about 600 times since we left this morning. Get comfortable Jersey, we’re gunna be on here for hours.”

“Yeah, thanks Angel, I feel soooo much better now.” Sarcasm, the best medicine for shot nerves. We had already taken off, and every once in a while would hit turbulence, making me white knuckle the arm rests. Angel just laughed at me, handed me a pill and a glass of wine. “Are you trying to drug me?”

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