Chapter 43

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Christine’s POV

I woke up to Ash pressing lightly on my stomach, “Babe your stomach is as hard as a rock.”

I laughed at him, “That’s cuz I’m having a contraction.”

“You can’t feel that?”

“I feel pressure but no pain, thanks to the epidural.”

I look over to Angel and Jinxx, they are still sleeping curled up on the couch. A nurse comes in to check me. The doctor has already broken my water and they gave me some Pitocin to boost my contractions and speed things along.

“Alright Mr. Purdy, I’m going to have you hop off the bed so I can see how far along she is.”

He gives me a kiss and gets down off the bed.

“Alright Christine, let’s see where you’re at.” She checks me fairly quickly, and I’m so glad I can’t feel it. “Well, honey it looks like it’s time to push, are you feeling any pressure?”

“Only a little, nothing uncomfortable.”

“Well I don’t want you to push just yet, even if you start feeling like you have to. We still have to set up, it’ll only take a couple of minutes.”

Ashley paled, “Its time? Now?”

“Yes sir, your baby will be here in no time.”

Jinxx and Angel woke up. They were saying their goodbyes and that they’ll call everyone and tell them to get to the hospital.

Ash stopped Angel, “Please don’t leave. Stay with us, I need you here.”

“Ash, its ok you’ll be fine.”

“No, please stay.”

She looked at me, asking permission, I asked the nurse, “Would it be a problem if she stayed too?”

“Of course not honey, you can have up to 3 people in the room with you, He could stay too,” She waved her hand in Jinxxs’ Direction, and his face dropped.

I laughed hard, “Jinxx, you don’t have to stay, you can go make the phone calls to everyone.”

He looked thankful, gave Angel a kiss and walked out of the room. Angel hugged Ash hard, talking to him trying to keep him calm. He was visibly shaking. Angel let him go and I called to him, “Babe, come here, hold my hand.”

He takes my hand and bends so his face is next to mine. He was already tearing up, “I’m scared Christine. For you, for the Baby. I’m scared I’ll be a horrible father…”

“Ash, relax, breathe baby. You’ll be an amazing father and we’ll be fine. Calm down and enjoy the moment. Our baby is almost here.”

“Okay, Mr. Purdy. I want you to stay where you are. You’re going to help hold her left leg when it’s time and hold her head up while we count. Ms. Angel, if I could have you on the right to help with the other leg, you’re going to be the one counting. Its 2 sets of 10, after the first set of 10, let her lay back enough to take a deep breath for the second set, and she can relax after that until her next contraction. Christine, I want you to take a deep breath for each push and hold it until we reach 10.”


“We’re going to get started now, I want your feet in the stirrups, and there are some handles near your hands. Mr. Purdy and Ms, Angel, when we start pushing please pull slightly back on her legs towards you. If either of you feel faint during the process let one of the nurses know and they’ll take your spot. Here’s a contraction, are you ready? Deep breath and push hard.”

Just an Ashley Love Story {completed)Where stories live. Discover now