Chapter 13

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Christine’s POV

She had been in front of me.

On impact she was catapulted off her bike and upwards of about 20 feet high, her body like a ragdoll as she hit and slid across the asphalt. Sometime during this I stopped as well as everyone else. The kid took off, even with the attempts of the guys trying to stop him. He nearly ran over Andy to get away.

I dropped my bike and ran to her ripping off my helmet in the process, screaming her name. As I came to her she wasn’t moving.

“Angel, I’m here hunny, can you hear me?” I flip open the face sheild, she’s completely unconcious, but she is breathing, barely. Her helmet is cracked and missing pieces, and there’s blood, all over her, coming from I don’t know where.

Ash, and the rest of the guys and their girls, ran up to me and Angel. I could hear Jinxx on the phone with the emergency dispatch, he was in tears.

“WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?” Andy, being last in the line of cars didn’t see. Ash, explained what happened. I wasn’t listening, I could hear anything. Everyone sounded like they were a distant echo. Why was she ahead of me, she never rides ahead of me “It’s my fault.”

Ash wrapped his arms around me tight, like he was keeping me from falling to pieces, “No baby, it’s not your fault. Don’t say that.”

That didn’t make me feel better. I held her hand as I heard the sirens approaching. Jinxx kneeled down on her other side and picked up her other hand. He looked at me with tears running down his face. “I just found her, I don’t want to lose her.”

I put my face in my hands and cried.

When the ambulance finally arrived and the police made their reports, I made a phone call to one of my friends to pick up the bikes. Ashley didn’t want me riding in the state I was in, I don’t blame him. The guys aside from Ash and Jinxx decided to head straight to my house. I handed Juliet my key, “help yourselves to anything you want, if you plan on staying my house has plenty of bedrooms, I also have Jockey’s quarters on the property. Just make yourselves at home.”

“We’ll be there waiting for you to get back tonight.” Juliet said while she squeezed me in a hug.

We watched them drive off. Ash grabbed my hand, “C’mon babe, we gotta get to the hospital.”

He walked me over to the passenger side of the car and opened my door. I felt like a zombie. This has to be a bad dream. It should be me in that ambulance, not her. I don’t understand why she went ahead of me. Why her. Jinxx was in the back seat leanign against the door, still crying. He really did connect with her. She has to be ok, she has to. What the hell is Jinxx going to do, what the hell am I going to do.

Ashley’s POV

I’m almost waiting for her to fall apart, in the literal sense of the word. She is so broken inside. And I can’t fix it. I’m hurting seeing her in pain, and seeing Jinxx in pain is just making it worse.

I drive to the hospital. I hope Angel is ok, I don’t know Christine well enough to know if she would lose it over this. I don’t think she would, she seems too strong for that. I dunno, my brain is going 90 miles a minute. I don’t know what to think, or do. I just drive, holding her hand tight as she looks out the window, the occasional tear escaping down her cheek. I look back in the rear-view, I’m keeping an eye on Jinxx too.

We pull up and Christine Bolts inside. Jinxx and I Follow close behind.

“We’re here for Angelica Stildress, she came in on an ambulance.” Christine looks like she was ready to put up a fight if this woman tried to say anything against her.

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