Chapter 20

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Ashley’s POV

I woke up with a start. I paused, waiting for the pain to hit me. It never did. I opened my eyes and went to rub my face but Christine’s hands were wrapped in them, fingers interlocked. She must have felt me move cuz she woke. She looked worried, tired and drained. Her eyes swollen from crying.

“Hey baby, you feeling any pain?” Her voice barely there. My poor girl, I’m so sorry.

I didn’t speak, I had two weeks of not being able to reach out and touch her, not being able to kiss her, and that’s two weeks to long. I spun around to my other side grabbed her face and kissed her deep. It was frantic and full of need. She tangled her hands in my hair, I moaned. I’ve missed her so much. I started crying.

“Babe, don’t cry.” She tried to comfort me, even though tears started to fall down her cheeks.

“All I want right now is to hold you, to touch you and kiss you. You’ve been right next to me this whole time and it drove me crazy that I couldn’t.”

So for a while, that’s all we did. We kissed, and held eachother. I couldn’t stop, she was like a drug that I had to have. When we finally pulled away, she looked at me with so much love and compassion my heart nearly stopped.

“Ash, I need to call the guys and let them know you’re up.”

“Well then call them from right here in the bed, I can’t let you go yet. Please.”

“okay babe.” She kissed me again. I’ll never get tired of feeling her lips against mine.

I made her call CC on speaker, when he answered he would hear my voice not hers. It rang a couple times before he picked up.

CC: “Hey Jersey, any news?”

Me: “Since when do you call her Jersey?”

CC: “ Oh hey Ash, kinda picked it up from Angel….woah wait ……………..ASHLEY?? OH MY GOD, GUYS, ITS ASHLEY, HE’S UP AND TALKING!!!! Can you move dude?”

Me: “Yeah, I’m feeling much better. Got full motor function back.”

CC: “Fuck yeah dude, hey we’re all on our way!!”

Me: “See you soon.”

As we hung up the doctor came in to let me know that I’ll be starting a short stint of physical therapy this afternoon, just to make sure I’m really 100% and that none of my muscles have atrophied. I was fine with that. He also came in to remove the urine catheter, he wanted to make sure I was able to use the bathroom properly. I’m not looking forward to that one.

Christine’s POV

The doctor made me leave the room, Ashley wasn’t too happy about that but it’s not something I really want to see anyway. I don’t do the whole tubes in human body parts thing. Makes me cringe. I waited for the doctor to tell me it was safe to go back in, and when he did I walked in to an empty bed. He came out of the bathroom standing up straight and tall.

“Well, I can pee, “

“Thanks babe, I really needed to know that.”

“Yes you did.” He stuck is tongue out at me.

I take a deep breath and sigh, with a smile. I’m so happy to have him back. And he’s in such a good mood, you would’ve thought nothing had happened. I really thought he wasn’t going to make it there for a while. I thought he was going to give up. But he didn’t. Now I can’t wait to get him home.

Just an Ashley Love Story {completed)Where stories live. Discover now