Chapter 11

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Ashley’s POV

I woke up in the same position I fell asleep in, and Christine still tightly wrapped in my arms. I didn’t move, I didn’t want to wake her. I let my thoughts drift to what we did last night. It was perfect. I don’t feel guilty, but I feel refreshed. It was nice to actually sleep, holding her comforts me.

I felt her shift and she rolled over, “how long have you been up?”

“Just woke up a few seconds ago. I tried not to wake you, I’m sorry if I did.”

“No, you didn’t. I’m used to being up early. Speaking of early, what time is it?”

I looked back at my phone on the side table, “well, it’s definitely not early, its 11:00”

“IT’S WHAT????????”

She flew out of bed, damn near knocking me onto the floor. Grabbed her clothes, and started getting changed, when Angel burst through the door. I just sat there wide eyed, and trying not to laugh.


“Yeah, Jersey calm down. I already called all the farmhands, everything at the barn is already done. They figured we’d be stuck where we were because of the rain and all showed up to pitch in.”

Christine stopped and stared at Angel with her mouth open in what looked to be shock.

“Jersey you have to realize something. We, the farmhands, don’t mind working for you and doing you a favor here and there. With everything you have ever done for us, doing you a favor is not that big of a deal, hell, we’d like to do more. It’s only you that decides you need to continue doing barn chores. How many times do I have to chase you out of the barn until you realize that all you need to do is teach lessons and ride?!?!? You hired us for a reason, let us do the jobs you hired us for. You can out-work all of us put together, and you don’t leave us with much to do!!”

Ha, she just put Christine in her place. Christine closed her mouth, then opened it again to say something, but just closed it again. She put her hand on her hip and cocked her head to the side and lifted an eyebrow. That’s the cutest damn thing I’ve ever seen.

“Now both of you get your asses ready, we’re all going to the barn.”

She walked out of the room, and Christine turned to look at me. I had my hand over my mouth the entire time trying not to laugh, tears rolling down my face from the effort. I finally couldn’t hold it in anymore and burst out laughing. She smiled, dropped her head and started laughing herself.

I stood up out of bed and then I remembered, I haven’t cleaned up from last night, and I’m feeling kinda gross, I guess the look on my face gave it away and Christine started laughing harder. It was contagious and we both wound up bent over holding our sides.

“I think I’m going to take a shower. How are you doing? Do you need a shower too?”

“What you getting at Purdy?”

“Uh, no wait, that’s not what I meant.”

She just laughed at me. “I know what you meant babe, I was only playing with you. I’m not as bad off as you, and I can wait til we get to my house.”

I gave her my best I’m not actually mad but I’m mad at you glare. She walked up and kissed me with a smile. “Go take your shower, I'm gunna get dressed. I’ll meet you outside”

Christine’s POV

I threw on my clothes and went out to the living room where everyone was sitting. I felt like I was taking the walk of shame. I knew last night everyone heard us, we were loud. But I also know what they think we did, which we didn’t. Ah, whatever. Even if they don’t believe us, we know what happened and that’s all that matters. Although that is something I want to talk to him about. I want to know how he feels. I mean, he seems ok this morning, but I don’t want him to regret it.

When I got there, Angel was already outside getting the bike warmed up and dried off, have I mentioned I love that girl? The rest of them, just sat there, staring with a shit eating grin. I raised my eyebrow at them then I gave them my best half sided smile, and walked towards the door. Eh, let them brew a bit.

Ashley’s POV

I washed up real quick, got dressed and ran out to the living room. I ran dead center into a room of knowing smiles and stares.

“It didn’t happen the way you think.” I said.

“BULLSHIT,” CC yelled, “We ALL heard the both of you. You can’t tell us it didn’t happen”

“I’m not saying NOTHING happened, I’m just saying we didn’t go all the way. And for now, that’s all you need to know.”

CC stared me down, “I still call bullshit.”

The rest of them laughed, and we all walked outside. Christine and Angel were ready to go, had the bikes warmed up, and chatting with Ella, Valerie and Juliet, who must have made their way out. When I walked out the door, Christine looked up at me, her expression changed. She looked happy, and content. Her smile so warm and….loving. I mirrored that smile and that feeling. I’m falling for her. As much as I thought I could never fall again, it’s happening, and it feels great.

Just an Ashley Love Story {completed)Where stories live. Discover now