Chapter 12

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Christine’s POV

I walked outside to the bikes and angel stared at me.

“Oh not you too, do you really thing I’m that dumb?”

“Well, I did find it kinda funny that you told ME not to be stupid, but 45 minutes later, your screaming Ashley’s name out. “

I had to have turned 6 shades of red. I covered my face, shaking my head, when Ella, Juliet and Valerie walked up.

Juliet spoke first, “Have fun last night?”

Oh, boy here we go…”ok before we go any further with this, we did not have sex.”

Valerie laughed out loud, “Okay, then what was with all the screaming last night? Sounded like you were both really enjoying yourselves!?”

They all, including Angel, crossed their arms and waited for an explanation. “Look, something did happen last night but I promise you, we did not go all the way. We just had a little fun and let off some tension. I’m not gunna go into details, cuz, it’s none of your business.” I stuck my tongue out like a child and everyone laughed. We chatted away about the plans for the day as we waited for the boys to come out.

As Ashley walked out the door, I looked up. The depth of the feelings I felt were overwhelming. How does this man do this to me? I poured those feelings into a genuine smile, and he mirrored it. It gave me chills. Could I really say I was falling for him? I don’t even know if we are together at this point. We never talked about that. We do have a lot to talk about.

He walked up to me, put his hands on the side of my face and kissed me like he hasn’t seen me in months. It took everything I had not to moan into his mouth. Instead that head rush sent waves through my body. I grabbed the front of his shirt holding onto him, wanting the kiss to last forever.

He pulled away, “We’ll follow you and Angel.” He gave me one last quick kiss and walked to his car.

I looked over at Angel, “Ready?”

“Yup, let’s get going. Make sure your helmet radio is on, I wanna talk to you.”

“Yes ma’am!!”

We hopped on the bikes and backed out into the road, pulled up enough to wait for everyone, Ashley pulled up behind us, then Jinx and Jake, CC then Andy. We took off and were on our way.

No sooner did we get moving, Angel came on over the headset radio inside the helmet. “You know I was only busting your chops right?”

“Yeah, I know, but I also understand why you did it. Do you really want to know what happened?”

“I do, but not now, you can give me the juicy details later tonight! What I wanted to say is that you and Ash are adults, you both know what you want and, obviously, what you want is more than just sex. But you both have it bad, and I’m not the only one that’s noticed that there is more passion between you then in most relationships starting off.”

“Is it really that obvious?”

“It’s even more obvious now after last night. I understand you and Ash don’t want to take it all the way yet and that’s understandable. There are things you can do, other than sex, I don’t need to tell you that because you already know that, BUT!! if you deny yourselves the passion and pleasure you’re both wanting, you might push it too far too soon because it’s built up, and you’ll regret it later. I know it’s still early on but you can do some, how do I put this, heavy petting, to keep yourselves pleased so it doesn’t go that far yet……am I making sense?”

“I get what you’re saying. And it makes sense. Ash and I have yet to talk about last night, and what we even are at the moment. I plan on talking to him today if we get the chance. I will bring up what you said and see what he says.”

“Just remember Jersey, it’s not the sex that ruins the relationship, its making the relationship only about sex that ruins it. I don’t think you and ash have any problems in getting along and having fun. But you’ve only seen each other face to face a few times. Get to know him in other ways too.”

“Will do mom!”


“You know it!! …… Thanks Angel.”

“Anytime Daughter.”


We rode the rest of the way in silence, my thoughts going to last night, and the conversation I was going to have to have with Ash. We pulled off the highway at our exit, stopped at the bottom of the ramp to turn onto the street. The way was clear so we pulled out and headed down the road, when some asshole punk screeched off the other side of the highway and flew down the ramp, he couldn’t stop in time. I watch in horror and in slow motion as the driver side bumper of his car slammed into the front wheel of Angel’s bike.

I screamed!


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