Chapter 42

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~Time lapse 27 weeks ~ June

Christine’s POV

“Ash? What color are we doing the walls?”

“I was thinking keeping them white but do a green and yellow border that matches the crib set.”

We’re setting up the nursery, I’m do in 2 weeks and 3 days. I’m so ready now. I’m HUGE, and horribly uncomfortable. We decided to keep the baby’s sex a secret, even from ourselves. We want it to be a surprise so we had to find all neutral colors for the room and for clothes. Although, we have one blue outfit and one pink outfit ready to go for hospital pictures. Ash has been super excited and super annoying.

We had an argument the other day all because I wanted to go down to the barn to say Hi to my horse. It’s not like I was going to ride, he was in his stall. I’m just tired of being cooped up in the house and wanted to take a walk, but no he panicked. Ever since the doctor told him I am a little higher risk than most pregnancies because of the type of birth control I was on, he has not left my side.

While he was on tour after we found out I was pregnant he freak out. Had some weird nightmare about losing me and the baby during birth, the guys said he was not the same after that. He even kept his phone on stage with him just in case something happened and I needed to get a hold of him.

“I know you well babe. Once we find out the sex you’re going to change this whole room around aren’t you. Change the colors of the crib set and everything.”

He smirked, “Maaaaaybee?!”

“Then don’t bother painting til after I have the baby,” I laughed. “I’m going to lay down, these Braxton Hicks’ contractions are killing me today.”

“Ok babe, I’ll grab a movie and come lay with you in a few.”

He kissed me on my forehead and bent over and kissed my stomach, the baby kicked, hard, making me jump. Oh I can’t wait to pop. It seems if I stand too long anymore the Braxton Hicks contraction start up and the only thing to make them go away is to lay down. I switched on the tv and before long Ash walked through the door.

“Dog soldiers or Iron Man?”

“Iron Man.”

“Really? I thought you would pick dog soldiers.”

“Normally I would, but I don’t want my heart rate going up, I’m trying to get these damn muscles to stop contracting, not get them fired up more.”

“They’re still bothering you?”

“Yeah, a little. It’s calmed down a bit, but they aren’t making me feel very good either.”

“Do you feel nauseous?”

“No, I can’t quite describe it, I don’t feel sick I just don’t feel right.”

“Do you want me to call the doctor?”

“Nah not yet. Lets just watch the movie.”

Ash sticks Iron Man in the DVD player and lays down next to me on his side and places his hand on my stomach. The same way he sleeps with me every night. I’m telling ya the man doesn’t move and if I move he wakes up freaking out. It’s kind of funny actually.

10 minutes into the movie, my braxton hicks aren’t going away, they’re getting worse. I groan when another one hits me, “babe call the doctor, it’s getting worse, not better.”

“Ok hun,”

He walks out of the room to grab his phone, as he’s on the phone with the doctor he’s getting stuff packed and ready. I’m just sitting there staring at him watching him pace and talk, laughing at him. He’s on auto pilot, and only looks at me when I flinch in pain.

“Ok I just timed that one, you’re at 5 minutes apart, I’m waiting for one more, if it’s the same the doc said to get to the hospital.”

“Ok boss man.”

He sticks his tongue out at me, and I laugh again, “Awww Ash.”


“You’re sweating.”

“I’m nervous.”

I flinch again as another contraction hits me.

“That one was just under 5 minutes, let’s go Christine, we’re going to the hospital.”

“Wait you have to call Angel first and let her know, she wants to come with us. Then she can call everyone else while we’re on our way.”

“Fine.” He hits the button on the intercom “Angel, you and Jinxx get up here, I’m taking Christine to the hospital, she’s having contractions.”

I’m still laughing at him, “Relax honey, it can take hours. No need to panic.”

“I’m sorry babe, I’m scared, and excited and ready and not ready all at the same time.”

“I am too but I trust the doctors, and I’m sooo ready to not be pregnant anymore.”

Angel and Jinxx come running through the doors. Jinxx is completely out of breath, Angel looks like she took a leisurely stroll. “Jersey, are you ready to go?”

“Yeah, follow us in your car, and do me a favor, call everyone else while we’re on our way. Let them know we’ll call them to come to the hospital if we wind up staying.” I grab the wall and breathe in deep as another contraction rips through me, “by the looks of it, we might be staying, they’re getting strong.”

Ash grabs me and the bags and brings me out to the car. I bought a little 4 door subaru, making it easier to get a car seat in and out. The truck is too big and the mustang and Lambo have no back seats. Not very family friendly. Angel and Jinxx get into their car and we are on our way.

Ashley’s POV

We get Christine Signed into the hospital. Once we get to her room, the doctor comes in to check her, and she’s in active labor. I fell back in the seat, “isn’t it too soon?”

The doctor reassured me, “No actually not at all. The last 2-3 weeks are considered full term, 40 weeks is optimal but not all measurements are always correct, so it’s possible to be 2 weeks early or 2 weeks late.”


“Relax Dad, your baby will be here soon, you’re going to need all the energy you can get. She’s about 6cm dilated, and she has to get to 10. I’ll be back to break her water to speed it along. Do you want an epidural Christine?”

“Ummmm, yes please.”

She looked scared. I know she doesn’t like needles and the thought of one going into her spine bothered her. I think she’s more scared of that then having the baby, but she also wants to be comfortable.

“I’ll have the anesthesiologist come up right away.”

She squeaked out, “Thank you.”

After that a flurry of things happened. They kick Angel and Jinxx out, blood pulling, monitors being hooked up, IV’s being placed. I just sat there in shock, is this happening? It feels like a dream. Next the anesthesiologist came in, and kicked me out. I didn’t want to go, I tried fighting but they wouldn’t do it without me out of the room. I hated leaving her so scared.

About 30 minutes go by and I’m pacing outside of the room. “I know she doesn’t like needles, what’s taking so long? You don’t think they fucked up do you?”

Angel walks up to me and hugs me, “Relax Ash, its ok. She’s strong, she can handle it.”

Finally the door opens and the nurse lets us back in. I run to Christine’s side, “You ok baby? How are you feeling?”

“Like the doctors personal pin cushion, at least I’m numb, and doped up.”

Jinxx was laughing, “You sound drunk.”

“I feel pretty good, thank you.”

I couldn’t help but laugh too. My girl, so strong. I lay on the bed, on the side where there were no wires or tubes, to hold her for a little while, Angel and Jinxx curl up on the couch, and we watch TV. Every once in a while a nurse will come in and check on her.

Just an Ashley Love Story {completed)Where stories live. Discover now