Chapter 2

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A/N: Here is another chapter!!!

Draco was spread out across his bed awake for what seemed like hours just lying on his stomach with his arm hanging over the side. He heard a knock at the door, but ignored it until whoever it was went away, but instead there was another knock, this time more persistent. Still not caring which one of his parents he knew to be at his door, he pulled the blankets over his head and let out a frustrated groan. He suddenly heard the door slam open and heard a familiar clicking of heels on his floor as his Mother entered his room.

"You need to get up, it's almost three in the afternoon and we are expecting guests over for dinner." Narcissa said firmly.

"It's the Weasleys, who cares." Draco snarled, turning over onto his back and rubbing his face.

Narcissa crossed the room in three long strides and ripped the blankets off of Draco and flung them to the floor.

"I want you up out of this bed NOW!" she hissed at him. "And more so, I would like to see a comb through that nest you call hair and a razor to your face. It's not going to kill you to actually shower and look presentable tonight." she demanded, making her way back to the door.

Draco sneered at his Mother, "Geez Mother, I'm a bloody adult, I don't need you telling me what to do."

She turned around to face her son and studied him for a moment; her heart ached for the life he had to live these past few years. She gave him a small smile before continuing with a more menacing tone. "Draco, you will do as I say....... DO NOT make me come back up here." she finished and then turned on her heel and left the room. "AND IT WOULDN'T HURT TO CLEAN THAT PIG STY OF A ROOM!" she called from down the hall.

Draco picked up some figurine from his end table and threw it clear across the room, making it shatter into pieces all over the floor. He yelled into his pillow and then jumped out of bed and dragged himself to the bathroom that was connected to his room. He looked at himself in the mirror and ran a hand over the scruffy patch of facial hair and then ran his fingers through the strands of hair on his head. He shook his head in defeat before turning on the water and beginning a very long overdue shave.

He rinsed his face off and looked himself over again in the mirror; his eyes landing on a small scar on his neck just under his chin. He quickly looked away from his reflection as not so very fond memories flashed through his mind at the sight of it. His hands were balled into tight fists of anger that he slammed down on the counter and flung everything viciously off of it and across the bathroom. He ran his fingers frantically through his hair again and slumped to the floor in defeat just letting his breathing return to a normal rhythm.


Ginny sat on the desk of Harry Potter as she waited for him to arrive; picking up random objects and studying them before setting them back down. She let her eyes wander over to a certificate on the wall that Harry had received after the fall of Voldemort and then over to a picture beside it of him, Ron and Hermione. She swung her legs back and forth as she waited for almost a half hour for him and was just about to leave him a note when the door swung open.

"Finally" she snapped.

"Sorry, Gin, it's just been hectic today-can you get the door for me?" he asked as he cradled a handful of papers.

She slipped off the desk and shut the office door before sitting in the chair in front of his desk.

"What's all that?" she asked, eyeing the pile of files he set down.

"Just some background information on some Ex-Death Eaters about a case we're working on...... nothing too fascinating." He shrugged, picking one file up from the stack and dropping it in front of him. "Speaking of Ex-Death Eaters....... don't you have a dinner to be at soon?"

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