Chapter 25

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A/N: Sorry this chapter took longer to post, it does pick up where the last one left off.

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Hope you guys enjoy this one.


Ginny opened her eyes and saw she was in the living room at the Manor and realized she must have fallen asleep on the couch. She turned her head to see Harry sitting beside her and she grabbed him into a tight hug.

"Are you ok?" he softly asked her.

She nodded against him before she let out a muffled cry. "Is Draco awake yet?"

"No, he's still out...listen to me; I want you to tell me whenever you get those letters-"

"I can't, if I do, they know and then somehow and someway somebody gets hurt...I won't do that."

"What is he asking you to do?" Harry asked.

She just looked at him and shook her head. "It doesn't matter now, I've already dealt with the consequence," she said, looking away from him.

He didn't say anything; he wasn't really sure what else to say to her.

She suddenly snapped her head back to him. "Harry, I'm tired of being scared...not for me, but for everyone I care about. I could care less at this point if I die, but I CAN'T live like this anymore. Being put in positions where I need to choose who lives and who dies? Harry, please, PLEASE tell me something, ANYTHING that will make me feel like we have even the slightest of chances of going up against these guys."


"No, please don't tell me some vague shit again about how you're more prepared than I think, that doesn't tell me anything," she said angrily. "I need some proof or something or...or-"

"I have something for you," he said, cutting her off. "Hermione has been working on this for a while now for me," he said, pulling out a thin silver necklace with a round flat coin looking charm on it.

He leaned forward and put it over her head and pulled her hair through. "This necklace is charmed so that if you are ever in danger you just grab the coin between your fingers...and help will come. If the chain is even broken, help will still come...I promise."

"So... you have something like this you know when I'm in trouble?" she asked, playing with the charm on her necklace.

He pulled out a small coin in his pocket that was the exact same one on her chain. "Yes, and I have one for Draco now too, at first we made these for our meetings and whenever we were in trouble, but ever since the Hogsmeade attack I've been having Hermione work on them, they take a while to make."

"Meetings? Who exactly is "we", more than Hermione and Ron I take it?" she asked.

He nodded.

"Harry, why are Draco and I the last to know everything? Especially when we are the ones who seem to be the focus of these people lately? You're having secret fuckin meetings and we aren't a part of them? Why?"

"Because I don't trust you,"

"WHAT?" she yelled.

"Not like that Gin, what I mean is, you know as well as I do that these people have been finding out things when there is no possible way they could have found out. It's possible someone is using Legilimency or something on you. I don't want to take a chance and reveal anything to you understand?" he asked, giving her a sad look.

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