Chapter 36

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A/N: Ok guys, this is the last chapter before the epilogue. This is a larger chapter, its over 9k words. I am so sad to see this story coming to an end, I have been working on it for almost 2 years.

If you haven't joined my Facebook group yet you're missing out. I post chapter previews and have open discussions on the story and other pieces I've written so be sure to join.

Hope you enjoy it!

Ginny opened her eyes and was met with a dark room...her room. Her eyes were burning from how much she cried earlier. She suddenly thought if it was all a bad dream and quickly jumped out of bed and ran down the hall to Draco's bedroom. She hesitated for a moment before she walked inside and saw an empty bed.

"No," she whispered to herself, as tears stung her eyes.

She walked over to the window and saw the destruction outside from earlier and her heart sank. She saw the other side of the house completely destroyed and she knew it was all very real...Draco was dead. She felt so alone right now and months ago that would have been completely fine with her, but falling in love with Draco this past year made her realize how much she didn't want to be without him. That loving and safe feeling he gave her when he was around or had her wrapped in her arms was completely gone. The way he looked at her, the constant smirks he wore that made her love him even was was all gone.

She made her way down the hall and listened to the silence fill the house. She felt like she would collapse and die right here with how much pain she felt. She didn't realize her legs instinctively took her to the room in front of her as she gave a small knock and slowly opened the door. As soon as she entered the room he sat up in bed and looked at her.


The only other person that ever made Ginny feel as safe and loved as Draco did was always Harry. She was always so used to him making everything better for her and she unfairly expected the same this time and he couldn't do it. A part of her wanted to be angry with him for it, but she knew it was out of his control.

He got out of bed and saw the light from the hallway light up her tear-stained face. Ginny's eyes fell on Pansy, who was also sitting up in bed as she gave her a sad look.

She looked back at Harry. "I'm just hurts so much, Harry...I don't know what to do with myself," she cried as he grabbed her to him. "Please make me forget this," she cried against his chest before she looked up at him.

"What? Don't say that Gin."

"Please Harry, I can't feel this anymore, it hurts so much...please make me forget it, please-"

"Ginny, stop!" he said forcefully, giving her a hard shake. "I will never do that to you again, it was a mistake the first time and would be an even bigger mistake this time. I know how much this hurts Gin...I do and I'm so sorry," he said as he hugged her tighter to him as she uncontrollably sobbed in his arms.

His eyes locked with Pansy's at Ginny's request and she just hung her head as her own tears fell. It was heartbreaking to watch and to hear the pain that was in Ginny's heart right now.


Ginny walked into the kitchen the next morning and sat at the table, her eyes swollen and sunken in. Her face was as pale as ever and she looked on the verge of tears. Her mother placed some toast in front of her as Hermione and Harry took a seat beside her.

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