Chapter 27

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A/N: Hey guys! So sorry this chapter took so long! I hope you enjoy it!

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Now for the chapter!!! PLEASE REVIEW!!!!


"No, I'm not and I'm going to find a way to do it, whether you help me or not," Ginny snapped, getting up from the table and making her way out of the kitchen.

Harry quickly got up and followed her. "Ginny, you can't just go breaking into Azkaban; do you know how secure that place is?"

"Not as much as you do," she shot at him.

"Ginny, I can't just go breaking criminals out of Azkaban."

"So Draco's a criminal now?" she asked angrily.

"You know I didn't mean it like that, but this is my job on the line, my career...I can't break someone out of there. Please just give me some more time to try and figure out a way around this." he pleaded with her.

She just stared at him for a moment before she gave a small nod and then headed upstairs. She would never want Harry to get in trouble for something she did, but she wasn't letting any more time pass. She appreciated everything Harry was doing to try and get Draco out of there, but she was tired of waiting. If these people are behind framing Draco then she knew time was something they definitely didn't have. She knew there was no easy way out of this and then if Will really was involved in with this group of people she knew they were in a lot more trouble than they could ever imagine.


Harry knocked on the large set of doors and waited for someone to answer. His mind was on Ginny and how she wanted to break into Azkaban. He had been searching all day for some of the evidence he and Will had originally altered to cover everything up and it was all gone.

"Mr. Potter, please come in, you hardly have to even knock anymore," the woman said with a welcoming smile.

"Thank you, Mrs. Zabini, is everyone here?" he asked, making his way towards the dining room.

"Just about," she answered.

He followed her into a room full of people who were all deep in conversation about the latest events with Draco and Ginny.

"Mr. Potter, why exactly did you request our presence and why on earth are all these people gathered at the Zabini's?" Lucius asked, his tone filled with a bit of annoyance.

"I'll explain everything in a moment. EVERYONE!" Harry called out to the room, making everyone turn their attention to him. "I asked Lucius and Narcissa to come to one of our Order meetings because I think they should join-"

"Order? I didn't think the Order was still around?" Narcissa asked in surprise.

"Well, after Voldemort was gone there was no need for it, however, when I realized this group of people was a bigger threat than I thought, I decided it was needed again. After what happened with Astoria and Blaise I knew there were a lot more people involved. Then after everything with Ginny happened..." he trailed off as a lump seemed to form in his throat.

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