Chapter 28

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A/N: So sorry this chapter took so long, I've been working a lot and I've been so tired!

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She hit the floor hard and slid a few feet across it before she jumped back to her feet and ran at her again. She swung her fists and arms wildly through the air, but her strikes kept being blocked from causing any damage. She felt another kick to her stomach and fell to the ground once more on her back. She pulled herself to her feet again, not caring about how tired she was, how much pain her body was in, she had to do this, she had to learn.

"Let's take a break," Pansy said to the redhead.

Ginny just kept shaking her head, "No, I want to keep practicing," she managed to get out through her heavy breathing.

"Ginny, we've been practicing for hours, I didn't learn how to fight in one day; it takes time."

"I DON'T HAVE TIME!" she yelled at her.

They were both quiet.

"How's it going?" Harry asked, walking into the training room of Malfoy Manor.

"She's getting there, but-"

"BUT WHAT?" Ginny snapped loudly.

Pansy looked at Harry "But that," she said before gesturing for him to take over as she left the room.

Ginny just got into position and waved Harry over to practice with her. She quickly threw her sweaty hair up into a messy bun and then took her stance.

"Gin, I think you need to take a break," he said.

"Bloody fuckin hell, Harry, I'm fine, now come on," she demanded as she impatiently waited for him to approach her.

He watched her for a moment as she fidgeted around with her hands and rubbed her face in an attempt to keep herself alert and focused. It had only been less than two days since the attack at the Ministry and Ginny was still sore from her injuries that day. Although everyone insisted that she rest and take it easy for at least a day, she was set on practicing her magic and her hand to hand combat. They had only been at the Manor or the Burrow under the protection of the wards since Kingsley was killed. The Wizarding world outside of the wards was nothing but a danger zone for them now. Harry had made plans to try and get to Azkaban to see Draco and let him know what was going on, but the Ministry had seemed to have fallen apart since Kingsley's death. While Will was still playing Mr. nice guy to all other Ministry officials, it was easy for him to take the reins and soon had people taking orders from him. As for questions about Kingsley's death, Will had come up with a very elaborate and convincing story about how he was murdered.

"Let's take a break, Gin," he said, reaching forward to lead her out of the room.

She quickly squirmed away from him, "No, JUST...please don't touch me," she said, holding her arm away from him.

She closed her eyes and squeezed them shut to try and soak up the tears that suddenly welled up in them and turned away from him. She started pacing the room as she felt herself starting to fall apart.

Harry gave her a sad look; his heart was aching for her. "Gin-"

"I'm sorry, I just...I just need a minute," she said through an emotional sigh as she wiped the few tears quickly away that slid down her face. "I feel like I'm losing my mind, Harry." she cried. "I'm just so tired...I'm so tired, Harry. I feel like I failed Draco...our"

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