Chapter 29

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A/N: Hey guys, how is everyone liking the story so far? I had NO reviews the last chapter and I love hearing what you guys think, so pleaseeeee let a girl know, lol.

Also, If you haven't joined my Facebook fanfic group yet here is the link.

I post chapter previews on there and update you on when the next chapter will be out and just start up some Drinny conversations =D

Anyway, hope you enjoy!

He opened his eyes and was greeted with a blue sky that was shining through a few trees. He blinked a few times to adjust his eyes and he suddenly heard the sound of what he swore was vomiting. He hissed out in pain as he reached up and touched the gash on his head and realized he was bleeding a lot more. He managed to sit up and looked over to the person coughing and throwing up a few feet away.


Hermione spit the last few bits of bile from her mouth before she wiped her face with the back of her hand. "I'm sorry," she choked out before she reached into her famous bottomless bag and pulled out a bottle of water and rinsed her mouth.

She picked herself up as if she wasn't just falling apart a second ago and made her way over and sat down right in front of him. She pulled out some first aid supplies and went to reach up to look at his head when he slapped her hand away.

"I'm fine," he snapped.

She didn't say anything to him, and when she didn't it made him look up at her and he saw her starting to cry. She buried face in her hands as she sobbed and he didn't blame her. He couldn't believe Arthur was killed right in front of them. The mere thought of it made his eyes well with tears and he quickly brought his hand up to them to soak up any tears that threatened to spill. Then there was his mother, who at this point he didn't even know what kind of fate awaited her...and of course, Ginny. Where was she and what kind of state was she in?

His eyes traveled to Hermione again, who was desperately trying to stop crying as she kept wiping away tears but they were replaced with fresh ones. She finally let out a shaky breath and looked right at him and grabbed his face so she could look at his wound. He didn't fight her this time, he knew she was trying to get her mind off of the shocking event that shook them all and she needed the distraction.

"This is going to sting, our wands are useless right now so you'll have to deal with some Muggle healing," she said as she started to stitch up his head.

"Do you know where we are?" he asked as he slightly hissed out in pain.

"I have no clue, somewhere south is my best guess. Whatever he did to those coins, sent us all randomly scattered about."

"So what's the plan?" he asked, looking at her.

She started to fill him in about the Order and the many meetings and information they had been collecting over the years. He was a bit overwhelmed by the information and how many people were involved with Will and his men.

"I would assume we would all meet at the Zabini's given our current situation," she suggested.

"And which way would that be?" he asked.

"Not sure...I think I have a map in here," she said, reaching into her tiny bag until she had her whole arm in it. "Here are some clothes," she said as she found some jeans and a shirt and tossed them at him.

Draco just picked them up and looked at them with a sneer. "Jeans? And some raggy shirt?"

"It's not raggy, it's brand new," she said defensively. "If you'd like you can stay in those disgusting-"

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