Chapter 24

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A/N: QUICK ANNOUNCEMENT! I have created a Facebook group for my fanfiction (Nikki's Fanfics) that I would love for you all to join. It will be for anyone who is a fan of my fanfics/writing and I will keep you guys posted on how the latest chapters are coming along. I will also give you guys a preview of the next chapter to hold you over. Feel free to message me on there and ask any questions you have about the current fic I'm writing or any of my stories that I've posted. PLEASE JOIN =D


On another note, this chapter is almost a whopping 8k words, I'm sorry if its so long, there just wasn't a good place to stop.

Hope you enjoy the chapter and please review!

"Sir, do you want to see it before we pick her up?"

An evil smile spread across his face at the question. "Yes," he said before following the man into another room.

"This is perfect...I can hardly wait to see how she handles this one," he laughed before leaving the room.


Ginny woke up the next morning and was relieved that the sleeping draught she took worked. She gave a long yawn and stretched across her bed before her eyes fell on the letter on top of her vanity. She rolled her eyes at the content of the letter she read yesterday and threw the blankets off of her. She walked over and grabbed the letter and read it again.

"Pft, consequences, huh? What are the consequences of me doing this?" she said to herself as she tore it in half and crumpled all the pieces up into a ball.

Seeming pleased by her refusal to let this letter get to her head, she headed to the bathroom to take a shower and got ready to head to Draco's.


Ginny apparated right outside of the wards to Malfoy Manor and she stopped for a moment and bit her lip as she thought back to the other night with Draco. Everything seemed so perfect between her and Draco right now and working slowly to a relationship was working out better than she could hope for. She knew she loved him and she wanted to tell him and she was going to...soon. She just didn't want to ruin anything between them right now, she hadn't even heard Draco say the actual words "I love you" directly to her yet. She only knew of his feelings of love for her...but that was the same thing...right?

She quickly shook her head free of all the thoughts running through her head before she overcomplicated the entire situation.

"You really need to stop overthinking," she said to herself. "Well, you also need to stop talking to yourself so much," she mumbled.

Just as she was about to walk through the wards, she heard a branch snap in the wooded area beside her.


She barely had the word out of her mouth before everything went black around her and she fell unconscious.


"Oh, Ginnnnnny? Wake up; I've been waiting long enough now."

Ginny opened her eyes and found herself on the floor inside some sort of room with clear walls. She got to her feet and automatically looked for her wand, but it was nowhere around here. She saw someone standing outside of the room with a face mask on and all around him and the rest of the room was complete darkness. The only light was inside this plastic room she was in that she quickly glanced around. The wall behind her had hundreds of spikes sticking out and along the entire room was boxes covered with a black cloth, some were bigger than others.

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