Chapter 7

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A/N: Sorry if the chapters are coming out slower than normal. I have had a crazy work week so I will hopefully be writing away this weekend! Hope you all enjoy.

Ginny's first stop that day was at St. Mungos; she planned on getting a copy of her medical file to find out if there was something more that went on then she remembered. She only remembered getting really sick and having to be in the hospital for a while, but the whole event of it happening was fuzzy in her mind. She always just thought it was the fact that she was sick that made everything unclear to her during that time.

She approached the counter and was greeted by a nurse with a bright smile. "Good afternoon, how can I help you today?"

"Uh, yes, I need a copy of my medical records please"

"I can definitely help you with that, what's the name dear?"

"Ginevra Weasley"

"Just a moment," the lady responded getting up and walking off to where Ginny assumed the records were stored.

Ginny waited there for almost ten minutes before the lady came back and to her dismay, she was empty-handed.

"Miss Weasley, I'm afraid your file isn't available to you right now."

"What? It's MY file, how can my own file not be available to me to view?" she snapped angrily.

"I understand your frustration, however, it is a direct order from the Ministry of Magic and we cannot override something like that. I'm sorry." the nurse finished, taking a seat back at the desk.

"I work at the Ministry, can't you release it to me?" she went on.

The nurse looked up at her and shook her head. "Unfortunately, there is a lock on that file that can only be released by the Ministry official who ordered it."

"And who would that be?" Ginny asked through clenched teeth.

"There are two actually, so either Harry Potter or Arthur Weasley would have to retrieve it I'm afraid."

"What?" Ginny asked more to herself than the nurse before her.

She started walking away and was about to apparate back to the Ministry to give Harry an earful when she stopped herself. She knew she couldn't just start demanding answers again because she knew he would know she was trying to find out information. She was sure the copy of the medical files she found in Harry's office earlier he must have moved to that filing cabinet. She gripped her wand tightly and apparated to the only other place she could think of in hopes to get some answers to the many questions that kept building up.

As Ginny strode up to the massive double doors to Malfoy Manor she couldn't help the small smirk she tried to hide as she thought about how unwelcome she knew she was here. Choking back any giggle that threatened to escape her mouth, she waited for the door to open and soon Tilly was standing before her.

"Good afternoon, Miss Weasley," she said before allowing her to enter the house and then closing the door behind her.

"Hey, Tilly is Draco here-"

"Well, well, Miss Weasley, I'd say I'm surprised to see you here, but then again, you've seemed to make a habit of dropping by uninvited." Lucius drawled as he approached her with Narcissa close behind him.

"Sorry, I was just hoping I could speak to Draco," she said, hoping by some chance they would allow her to roam their home once more.

Ginny noticed Narcissa raise an eyebrow at her work attire which made Ginny feel like she had to explain. "Oh, I just started a job at the Ministry."

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