Chapter 11

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A/N: Alright guys! Here is the next chapter! It is longer than some of the past ones. I hope you like it!

Ginny made her way downstairs the next morning dressed and ready for work and was surprised to see Ron and Hermione there. She gave a quick glance at Harry, who was here as always before work and she took a seat beside him before giving her brother and Hermione a quick hug hello.

"So guys, you excited about the wedding?" she asked, grabbing a piece of toast and buttering it.

"I am, but Ronald here hasn't had dry palms in three days," Hermione said, with more concern than amusement.

Ginny and Harry gave a quick snicker as Ron glared at them angrily.

"I can't help it, I'm nervous as bloody hell," he whined.

"Nervous about what, dear? You're marrying the woman you love and you've been friends for ages," Molly chimed in, placing a plate of freshly scrambled eggs on the table.

"That's not what I'm nervous about, it's standing in front of all those people and then having to dance in front of them and-"

"Well, Harry will be up there with you; he's your best man so he'll hold your sweaty hand," Ginny teased making Harry and Hermione laugh.

Ron went to open his mouth with some kind of comeback when Hermione cut him off. "Speaking of Harry being a best man... I know someone who is my maid of honor and STILL hasn't decided on a dress. You do realize the wedding is in a few days?" she lectured Ginny.

"Oh, no worries, I already have something picked out," she said, waving her hand as she received a pleased smile from Hermione.

Soon Arthur entered the kitchen and took a seat at the table after his hello's to everyone and was welcomed by Molly placing a big plate of food in front of him. "Discussing final wedding plans are we?" he said cheerfully as he dug into his food.

"Yes, we are all done with the seating finally, after some last minute guests," Hermione said.

"Speaking of last-minute guests," Ginny chimed in. "I was wondering if I can bring a plus one?" she asked casually, taking a bite of her toast.

Hermione had a giant smile on her face, "Oh a wedding date?That's interesting, of course you can, who is it?" she asked in anticipation.

Ginny felt Harry's eyes on her, "Yeah, Gin, who is it? Is it William?" he said the last part more sarcastically than he intended.

She just turned to glare at him.

"Ah, William Chamberlain? He is a very nice man, he's been at the Ministry for a short time, but he is do the ladies describe it? Charming?" Arthur said playfully.

Ginny just gave her a dad a small smirk and then turned back to Hermione. "'s Draco," she said.

The entire room became silent.

"HELLLL NO!" Ron yelled.

"Ron, stop it," Hermione said, slapping him lightly on the arm. "Um, why Draco?"

Ginny turned to see Harry staring at her, his expression more curious than hurt or angry.

"Well, Kingsley will be there and I thought we should maybe invite them know, show face?" she finished, looking at her dad to see his reaction.

"Well, I suppose it is a good idea, Ginny, what do you think Ron?" Hermione said, turning to her fiancé.

Ron was about to go off on a rant when he stopped to look at his parents and then to his father. He just started to shake his head in annoyance. "If...if it's going to help out dad then...I guess its fine." he finished, turning to look at Hermione, who placed a soft kiss on his lips.

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