Chapter 20

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A/N: I want to just give a HUGE thanks to everyone who reviewed the last chapter. I know there was some unexpected things that people didn't see coming, but I am overall very happy with it. Hope you guys enjoy this one =D

It had been a little over a week since Ginny had found out about her missing memories and got them back. Her memories had fully settled back in place after the first day and she remembered EVERYTHING. She just suddenly stopped living after she found out about the daughter she lost, she was barely eating and didn't talk to anyone. Every time her mother brought something up to her room to eat. she had to watch Ginny take at least a few bites before she was ok with letting her go back to sleep.

All Ginny did was sleep in bed all day, she was either crying or sleeping from passing out from crying. There wasn't one single ray of sunshine that she let in, she just had all her blinds and curtains shut and every time her mother would attempt to open them, Ginny would have a huge blowout with her. Ginny didn't want to see anyone or talk to anyone, Harry had made several attempts to talk to her, but she shot him down every time. George had stopped by a few times to see her and Ron and Hermione too, even Bill and Charlie. This was exactly why Harry kept this from her all this time.....because he knew she would lose herself.

One morning Ginny had thrown on some clothes and dragged herself to work. She was walking down the hall and saw Harry talking to Will and he looked shocked to see her out of her bedroom.

"Ginny? What are you doing here?" he asked her.

She just shrugged, "Working.....I guess," she said before she walked into Will's office and took a seat at the desk.

Both Harry and Will followed her in there.

"Ginny, I don't think work is where you should be-"

"WELL THIS IS WHAT I WANT RIGHT NOW!" she yelled at him. "Is that a problem or do you want to bottle this up too, and give it to me two years from now?" she snapped.

He didn't say anything.

"It's alright, Harry, I need to catch up on some stuff anyway.... she could stay if she wants," Will suggested.

Harry just nodded, "Ginny, if you want, you can come work back in my office," Harry offered.

"No thanks, I don't really need to steal any files or anything anymore so I'm all set," she said sarcastically.

Harry just slammed the door shut and went back to his office.

Will just took a seat beside her, "Ginny, are you sure you want to be here?"

She just glared at him, "No, I'm not, but I don't want to think about it anymore......I'm just going to force myself to forget it and go back to how things were." she said.

"I think you're going to have to deal with this at some point-"

"NO! I won't...I can't," she said.

She realized that leaving her bed altogether was a bad idea, she was nowhere ready to face the world and there was just no way she could forget something like this. She watched Will stand up and start to say something to her that she wasn't even listening to, she had just seemed to completely zone out. She quickly got up in a panic as her mind refused to let her forget about those horrid memories.

"Are you alright, Ginny?" he asked her, placing a hand gently on her arm.

She just looked at his hand, she remembered whenever she wanted to clear her mind, she would just have one of her fuck sessions with Draco. Not thinking about anything her body was doing and not caring about any feelings she had towards this prick in front of her, she leaned forward and kissed Will.

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