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- One Week Later -

There's not a single person in the lecture hall actually interested in the lecture. Prospective med students would never believe this, call it an exaggeration. What it really is, is an exaggeration of boring words uttered by an uninterested teacher.

Theresa is not an exception.

A phone starts vibrating steadily from her purse. The black Samsung device lights up with a familiar number.

Slipping away from the hall proves no challenge. Theresa smirks as she answers Stephan's call.

"Hello, Stephan," she drawls. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"How formal, I'm only calling to thank you."

"Oh, how generous..."

"You were more than generous to me was last week."

Her silky laugh is nothing short of practised. "You want to extend that pleasure?"

"Oh, I'd love to."

She doesn't know where she's going with this. A week was a lot of time to drawl on whether this was wise or not and deliberate consideration has her wondering if this will work out. She was too attracted to a certain naked roommate to feel comfortable around Stephan's environment.

"Could it be Saturday? I know it's only three days away but I didn't get the time to call sooner and schedule."

Decisions, decisions...

"I can pay you more if that assures the quicker meeting."

That settles it.

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