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Jake looks more put together than Theresa has ever seen. Clad in a navy blazer, he waits for her just outside Olio e Piú.

A smile lights his face when he spots Theresa. If he is anywhere as nervous as she is, his face does not convene.

They have only just sat down when Jake lets Theresa know he moved out of Stephan's apartment.

"His place was never convenient for me study-wise and We were never too close, I figured this was a good time to leave. And in case you are interested, I'm crashing at my brother's place until I can find somewhere more permanent uptown."

Theresa can only nod as she sips her water. She can only hope her nerves die down throughout the evening.

By the time they leave the restaurant she has an unfamiliar feeling of fluttering hope taking over the butterflies in her stomach. Hope for what she's yet to understand.

Jake hails them a cab, to split, as they now conveniently head in the same direction he reminds her with a smirk.

Jake is deep in thought the whole cab journey and Theresa's nerves rack up again as she remembers the possibility of a goodnight kiss. But those are thwarted by the awkward one arm hug he gives her in goodbye when the cab drops her off first.

– Hours Later –

Theresa tosses and turns in bed unable to fall asleep.

Why didn't he kiss her?

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