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He hailed a cab and went home.

A U T H O R ' S N O T E

so guys, a little paragraph on short stories & short chapters!

one of the reasons I love short stories is because the whole idea behind them is conveying powerful and impactful ideas without needing full-length plots and complex characters. With many of them, come the notions of short chapters.

short chapters are more than 'excuses for authors to write little'. they are like muffins or cupcakes, bite-sized cakes filled with all you could want of the real size but condensed to be faster to (in this case) read. I can only hope you don't read this story flitting by the chapters, but actually consider the words written on the screen, be it a four-word chapter or a 500-word chapter.

Jake didn't just hail a cab and leave. He turned back on trying to help her. He, indefinitely, gave up. Played all his cards and now turned away.

It's now in Theresa's hands their relationship, any possibility of reconciliation.

and in many ways, it doesn't require me to explicitly state what all their actions signify to one another, but short chapters like this call attention to the impact that our little actions actually have on our relationships (whether we notice it or not).

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