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"Aren't you looking dashing this morning?"

"Shut up." Stephan stumbles into the living room, a sight of sex hair and yawns.

Their couch happens to be large enough to encompass two sparsely spread boys and a bowl of Cheetos. Too long in fact, for Stephan to lean over and grab the remote on Jake's side. Who watches Animal Planet voluntarily?

"Dude, where did find that pretty chick?" Though personally, Jake would never use pretty to describe her.

The smile that breaks on Stephan's face is nothing short of mischievous. "She's, well, remember that site I mentioned George told me to look at to find a –"



"Dammit," Stephan runs to pick up the phone in the kitchen.

Jake can't get Theresa out of his head, how did Stephan even go for her? She's not his type.

His brain is a master at finding reasons for their pairing to be weird. But he knows his friend will not be stupid enough to let this be a one-night stand.

A U T H O R ' S N O T E

soo, one of those shorter chapters I mentioned (there may be even shorter ones as we progress?)

also, special Carnival update! Happy festivities :))))

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