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It's midweek and midday by the time Theresa exits her classes.

She's had a quiet week, Stephan travelled, her clients have been busy and weirdly enough, Jake hasn't texted her in days.

It's like the thought calls out to him, her phone beeps with a message. No, a phone call.

"Hey, Theresa?" Jake sounds hesitant on the phone, his voice shying away from the jokester tone she is used to.

"Hi, Theresa here," should she call him out on being so quiet the past days? Better not.

"So, you must know Stephan's out of the town for the next two weeks."

"Yeah, he told me. Why?"

"Um, just," what the hell is he doing?


"I'd just like to see you sometime."

"Oh." She's certainly reading too much into this. But, is it a sin to? "Do you want to go see a movie?"

"Sure, sounds great." His relief is palpable. "Thursday work for you?"


"Well, I – I gotta go."

"Sure, see you then."

-- line dead --

Jake runs a hand through his hair.

"Yeah, see you there Theresa."

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