part nine.

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"You headed out?" Sero's long body was hanging upside down on the lobby couch, at the entrance of the dorms. His pinched-sounding voice gave away his ill state immediately. "Yeah. 'z your weak ass staying in today?" I grabbed an apple from the bowl on the coffee table, and tossed it a couple times in my hand before shoving it in my bag. Sero flipped over, the tissue box resting on his chest falling. "Yep. I think Kaminari gave me something nasty. I feel like i've been rammed by a truck," He made no attempt to push his messy bangs out of his eyes, "And I know i'll surprise you one day with my sneak attacks, so let up on those insults," he flashed a weak smile. "Keep tellin' yourself that stealth master," I scoffed sarcastically. "Later man," Sero gave a lazy wave and I slammed the entrance door shut.

A glance here a scowl there. A friendly smile once in a while. I received the same looks I always do when I walk through the hallways. "I can take this for you, Bakugou," I twisted my head to look behind me. "I'm headed to my locker anyway, so it's not a problem," Mina stood behind me, messy books in her arms. Our lockers were next to eachother, not to mention they were located on what felt like the other side of the school. It was definitely a long walk. I turned fully to face her. "I can take care of myself," I don't need her help. Anyway, she looks like she's got her hands full. "Alrighty then, lets walk there together!" She leaped forwards to stand by my side as I turned away. Soon, she began bouncing restlessly due to my slower, more relaxed pace. "I can't do it! You really are a slow-poke, Bakugou. I'll take this!~" She slid my bag off my shoulders and sprinted away with it. I halted and stared after her. "You alien! I said i'd take it!" I shouted after her, my stop turning into a jog, then a sprint, as I dodged the oncoming traffic. She threw a glance over her shoulder and her expression flashed into a fear stricken one. She skidded to a stop and I positioned myself to tackle the idiot. I leaped for her. But Mina's quick reflexes overtook her and she quickly lowered herself into a squat, which sent me toppling over her instead of making contact. I gave a surprised grunt as I collided with something below me, but it wasn't the ground.

It was still rough impact though, and I groaned at the soreness in my chest. Wait. My face, I can feel flesh against it. It's pressed against the crook of a neck. I jolted upright to stare at the figure I had tackled instead of Mina. "My that any way to greet me?" A voice rasped. I scrambled off of the body and leaned backwards on my hands. "G'mornin Bakugou," Kirishima sat up slowly. "Man that really hurt," he pressed his chest a couple of times and turned to look at me. His hair is down. "That impact felt like a truck, that was so cool!" He stared at me, awe stricken. "I can't help if tiny bugs like you get in my way," I grumbled and narrowed my eyes crossly. "Shouldn't I be the one getting praise here? My reflexes are cooler than cool," Mina flexed her arms, even though they weren't that big or impressive. And it didn't have anything to do with reflexes, what a dumbass. "Your dead to me, asshole," I stood up and snatched my bag from the gloating female. "You said that last week, dude," Mina laughed and jogged away before she could catch a reaction. "Bakugou," Kirishima wobbly climbed to his feet and let out a puff of air, "Hello!" He recovered quickly and gave me a smile. "Hey loser," I began heading for my locker again. He let out a happy sounding sigh and walked alongside me. I side glanced at him. He was fiddling with his fingers mindlessly, and I tried searching for a new wound without being obvious. I can't see anything though.
"Eijirou!~" Kirishima's simply pleased expression shifted into an uneasy one. We both turned our heads to see a lanky boy headed our direction. Kaichi stopped in front of us and painted a smug look onto himself. Kaichi took Kirishima's head in his hands and turned it left and right, obviously looking for something. "No injuries, I see. What delightful progress," Kaichi released his head and placed one hand loosely one his own hip. Kirishima stayed silent. "Hello, Bakugou," The tall male's gaze shifted to me, "May I have a word with Eijirou, please?" His disgustingly polite attitude sickened me. "Whatever, fuck face. Eijirou might not be fine with that though," I breathed out boredly and continued to my locker. Once finished gathering my needed textbooks, I closed my locker door and brushed past Kirishima and Kaichi. I don't need to listen in on their conversation. I don't need it. I don't need Kirishima. I don't need any of this. All I need is EATA. That's all...

*switching it up to Kaichi's POV!

He's never worn his hair down to the academy before. Not that it's unusual for me to see him like this, I know Eijirou like the back of my hand. I know every single detail about him and he can't deny it. I pulled him gently to the side of the hallway, out of the traffic. I've always been careful not to be rough with him. Yes, I have lost my temper with him before and I deeply regret it. "What is it?" Eijirou's beautiful red eyes gleamed with confusion, "I really should be getting to class." He started fiddling with his fingers. He always does that when he's nervous..or upset and doesn't want to show it. Just as I said, like the back of my hand. "Before that. How was it this weekend?" I took his arms carefully in my hands and rolled his sleeves up, hoping I wouldn't find anything. Eijirou shook me off lightly. "I'm alright, Kaichi," He smiled a little. "Now now. We both know something always happens, Eijirou. You can't lie to me," I pursed my lips thoughtfully. He never lies to me. Not even in our rough patches. He let out a small sigh and raised his hand to place it over my bicep. "It's right there," He removed his hand and chewed the inside of his lip, obviously stifling his tears. I closed my eyes and cupped his cheek. I know i'm not the ideal person for comfort at the moment but Eijirou is truly pitiful when it comes to this. He knows this as well...and that's why he never pulls away. I know i'm his safe place. Or rather person. Ever since I discovered his situation in eighth grade i've been his comfort. His sanctuary. And he's my everything. He placed his hand around mine, and pressed the left side of his face against it. He never pulls away. "Kaichi?" Eijirou took my hand away and a tear rolled gracefully down his skin. "You wanted to talk to me?" He snapped out of his dreadful state. "Ah, yes," My voice became smooth and unwavering. "About what we were talking about on Friday...I-" Commotion some ways down the hallway made me lose my focus. I blinked and ignored the excited yells and squeals. I turned to Eijirou to see he was already engrossed in what they were saying, wearing expression of cute curiosity and for some reason, determination. "Sparring! We're sparring today!" A masculine holler reached my ears. A short gasp was heard below me and Eijirou was basically shining. "We haven't sparred in so long! I'm so excited! So happy!" Eijirou bounced lightly from one foot to the other, barely able to contain his own personality. How in the world could I ruin an attitude like that. "Sparring. How fun," I stared down at the red head fondly. "Maybe another time, inamorato," I sighed softly and began slowly walking alway. Inamorato...I felt my chest tighten. I used to call him that every single day...

aha a little peek into Kaichi's mind! he's really not that bad of a guy, he loves Eijirou a lot. but don't worry it's still going to be KiriBaku ;)

Oh! by the way, inamorato is an Italian word for love. Kaichi is half Italian.

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