part ten.

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let me help you get a visual on Etsuko before this chapter, if i may
Etsuko has purple and pink hair, leaning a bit more towards the lavender side. her hair isnt curly, its just very wavy. she has fluffy bangs. her eyes are golden. shes small, about 5'2.
i know its kind of hard to visualize someones character, i'll make sure to draw her sometime!

*tuesday, 6:00 am

  Grasping the clutches of my motorcycle,

(yeah he has a motorcycle how lame am i)

I took the ride to 'work' as time to relax. I didn't speed up much like I normally would, I enjoyed the wind embracing my cheeks. It was only beginning to get light outside, the sky was a dusty pink color. A very dull color, its peaceful. I wanted to close my eyes, this feels nice. Im completely calm, and theres no sarcasm there. Everything's ok.

Arriving at the store, and parking a good distance away, I began trekking towards the doors. I closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh, not because im upset. Because im relaxed. As long as it stays this way today, this might be a nice break. I dont think I can handle another day with the difficulty of Kaichi and Kirishima, its too much for me. I want to avoid them. But I wont, that'll make me look weak. God, Kaichi makes me so freaking angry. Don't think about that now. You're calm. I stopped walking for a moment and buried my hands in my front pockets. Looking back at my motorcycle, I smiled a little. Thats my peace. Everyone mistakes motorcycles as "thrilling and totally badass", but honestly its the most calming thing I can think of. Its so nice, to feel the wind on your face, to be exposed to open sky and to breathe fresh air. Its-

"Bakugou!" At the hearing of what sounded like my name, I turned my head boredly to the side. Etsuko was running towards me. Great. "Hey! Works gonna be pretty cool today, huh?" She grinned and bumped her hip into my own. I didnt budge, nor did I answer. I continued my walk to the store. Etsuko placed her hands behind her back and practically bounced to the store. She's very energized, how does she do that? Etsuko swung both doors open dramatically and held her arms up. "Hey," A male, probably around my age or Etsuko's, walked up to the small female and hugged her tightly. Her boyfriend? "Yo!" Etsuko hugged him back as she was lifted into the air. I stalked past them and ran one hand through my hair as an attempt to get the staticky feeling out. For some reason, after riding it kind of got that way.

"Ah, you've arrived," Cato laughed and pointed to a cash register, "That'll be your station for today. Do your best, and remember, be friendly!" I rolled my eyes and rested my head lazily on my hand as I bent over the register. "Woah your station is right behind mine!" Etsuko popped up from the other side of the counter, nearly making me fall over from surprise. I sighed, "How lovely." She ignored my sarcasm. "We dont get a ton of business anymore..considering a bigger and better market has sprouted a little ways down the street," She laughed nervously as Cato shot her a nasty glare at 'bigger and better', "So you shouldnt be worked too hard!" I nodded lightly. I wonder if anyone from EATA knows about this place. Its a little far out from the dorms, so I doubt it. "Hey, loser. Who was that man you hugged at the doors?" My curiosity got the best of me. "Oh, that was my..mother's..friend's son. His name is Hitoshi Shinsou, he works nightshift,"  Etsuko rested her elbows on her counter, she was facing me and leaning back. "He looked familiar," I stared at the front of the store as a customer entered. "I should hope so! He attends EATA as well," she was also keeping an eye on the customer, ready to attend if needed. "That type of schedule would be the equivalent of hell. Doesnt he ever get any sleep?"

"He only works twice a week. But the guy doesnt really need any sleep, ya know? Hes super cool like that," Estuko glanced to the side and started hesitantly towards the customer, and then more confidently when she saw them searching the shelves in frustration. I dont think i've ever seen Shinsou around. Perhaps he's training for a managing or a major interrogation position. We're all put through interrogation training, as the inter-ogee (did i do that right) or the interrogator. Only the most convincing interrogators are switched to the advanced class. That must be what Shinsou is, theres no other explanation. "But anyway! Do you wanna know what his quirk is?" She smiled proudly. When I stared suspiciously she decided to continue, "Brainwashing! Answer his question or statement, and your totally powerless and vulnerable! Isnt that cool?" Her eyes seemed to sparkle. Thats an interesting quirk. I left my register to check out the awards wall, next to Etsuko's register but farther away. I found it amusing that Etsuko hadnt won any awards. "He's going to be something great when they finish training him. So are you, I think! And-" Etsuko was interrupted by a different customer walking politely and hesitantly up to her.

Etsuko hadnt looked at the customer yet, she was setting up her station quickly, she wasn't prepared. "Sorry, i'm rambling! I-"  Etsuko cut off when she looked up, and I almost lost it. Her cheeks had turned noticeably red, and she looked frantic. The customer was taller than Etsuko by a large amount. She had long, and straight pale blue hair with hints of pale yellow in it. Her fluffy bangs were hanging gracefully, she looked like a graceful person in general. "Its alright, I dont mind," The customer gave a slight smile and handed Etsuko a carton of orange juice. "Would you like this in a bag?" Her franticness hadnt let up in the slightest, she looked like a mess. "No thank you," The female gently took the carton from Etsuko's hands, and payed with cash. She seemed to of noticed what Etsuko had brought along to drink. "Pineapple soda, huh? Thats one of my favorites," She tilted her head slightly when she saw Etsuko jump as if she'd been scared. "Y-Yes! My favorite too," She smiled nervously up at her. I walked slowly towards them and offered my assistance to the customer, its a requirement. She politely refused. "Well, enjoy your soda," She turned and began walking away. "You too!" Etsuko called, and by the looks of it, instantly regretted her words.

Thats when I truly lost it. I could barely contain my laughs, this is fucking hilarious. She looks like a mess. Extremely disoriented. "sTOP LAUGHING," she threw her pen at me which I easily dodged. She sank to the floor and buried her face. "Youre so fucking gay," I wiped the tears from my eyes and stared at the lump on the floor. "I hate you," Etsuko mumbled. "The feelings mutual, loser."

Maybe Etsuko isnt so bad after all.

Sorry i died for a while there, but im back :)

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