part nineteen.

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okay but if you havent read time and time again by tamara stone pls consider it, its amazing

*baku's pov :)

"Okay...okay but get this," Etsuko and Kirishima were snickering in the corner, while I kept my eyes on the book I had brought. I tried my best to catch their conversation, and I got a little bit of it before they broke out in a hysterical laughing session. "We have air horns in the back, think that'll get him?" the female glanced deviously in my direction. They don't have a clue that i'm listening, those lame asses. "Do you have any silly string? That's the best," Kirishima wore an excited smile. "Yes! It's in-" she was cut off by her phone buzzing, which gave me a chance to grab the pencil Kirishima had recently taken out of his hair. I placed in my pocket. "Hello?" she answered uneasily, she didnt seem to be familiar with the number. Then a a widespread blush crept onto her confused features. "Oh! Its you....yeah?....yes of course! I'd like that..." Etsuko was smiling like a fool. She then said her goodbyes and sank to the floor in her already sitting position. "What is it?" Kirishima stuck his head in her line of vision. "I'm going to die," she exaggerated. "Of...?" he tilted his head after they both sat up straight. "There's this really beautiful girl that's about to be here. I snuck my number in her phone," she admitted, slightly timid. "'re really gay for her?" he smiled knowingly. "Beyond gay. Like, super mega ultra gay," she rested her head on her hand. "I know how that feels.." he said softly, looking down. My eyes widened and I shot a poorly timed glance in his direction, catching his eyes. A mischievous look found its way to Etsuko's expression, and she looked us both up and down.

"Not a word," I warned her, glaring at her nastily. "Join us over here, Katsuki!" she signaled me over, and my eyes rested on Kirishima again. He lifted his gaze hopefully and I surrendered, leaving my book. I plopped down in front of the two and became expressionless. Just as Kirishima was about to open his mouth, the store doors opened. In walked the same tall female with pale blue hair. Etsuko made a squeaking sound, and she stood up immediately to meet her halfway. "Hello..." she greeted shyly, a whole new side of her. "Hi," she returned the welcome, looking down at Etsuko softly. "I found your number," she laughed slightly, which sent Etsuko over the edge. "W-What's your name anyway?" she fumbled with her own fingers. "It's Tsubaki," she didn't lose her cool once, but I could tell she was flirting with Etsuko as the conversation continued. Soon I stopped listening, though I was enjoying her lovestruck meltdown.

"Bakugou?" he was beginning to look troubled. "Move aside just a bit without being obvious," he ordered in a low and casual voice, his eyebrows knitted with confusion. I tilted my head slightly and didn't question it, he's looking pretty serious right now. He inhaled sharply when I wasn't blocking his view. "Oh god," he quickly moved in front of me, so I was blocking his line of sight. "What?" I shot a glance over my shoulder, finding nothing troublesome. "What is it?" I eyed him, searching for a reading. I can never get a grasp on what his exact thoughts are, another problem of mine. "That girl over there..that's Kaichi's step sister," he didn't take his eyes off of her once. "Is that a problem?"

"No, no! Shes super sweet and all, but Kaichi's going to be glued to me like white on rice if he knows I was here this weekend. Instead of home," the mention of his household caused his beautiful features to sadden, and he wouldn't meet my gaze. "Stop thinking about these things right now, Kirishima," I told him firmly, which seemed to be the only way to grab his attention and keep it. "If problems pop up on Monday, you call me first," I finalized, not giving him a chance to speak before pulling him out of his sitting position. I lead him only a few footsteps before I heard Etsuko call out. "Are you headed to the rooftop?" she looked like a mess. How did she predict me? I nodded and she lit up, quickly explaining something to her companion. "Okay I guess theyre following us," I mumbled disapprovingly. "We'll be up there soon!" She shouted after, hypothetically, remembering she was still on shift. I sighed in relief and continued leading a non protestant Kirishima. Once swinging the rooftop doors open, I grab his hand and hold it in my own as I walk in front of him. "Oh, wow..." he released my hand to spin in a slow circle, taking everything in. (it looks like this but yknow, more of a downtownish type of area instead of an ocean n city line. also, there are like a bunch of plants up there. a ton. dont judge me)

"I've never seen this before," he stared at me, dazzled

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"I've never seen this before," he stared at me, dazzled. "You've...never seen downtown before?" We look out over the ledge, and I begin to study him. Everyone talks about it. "I mean, I know people say that we are literally on the outskirts of a city, but I never imagined this. It's wonderful," he looked amazed. What he didn't know, was that I used to come up here every chance I got. "A couch!" He jumped on the furniture and settled down into it's cushions, looking completely comfortable. The breeze started up, flowing nicely over my overheated skin.

Theres a pencil in my back pocket that means much more than it should. Theres a bright smile and an easy seat on the couch waiting for me, that means much more than it should. Theres a being in my life, who means much more than he should.

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