part fifteen.

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*kirishima's pov :)

I twirled one of the flowers Bakugou had given me with my finger. I had taken only one to class with's a good thing we don't have the same homeroom. I feel extra happy today. It wasn't going to be a great day, but this has changed everything. "Kirishima, put that up and focus please," the teacher stopped demonstrating her equation and was staring at me. I quickly placed the flower in my lap and kept glancing at it throughout class, the glances were accompanied by thoughts. I hugged Bakugou. He hugged me back! I clutched my cheeks and widened my eyes with sudden realization. Oh.

*baku's pov, lunchtime!

"No, asshole you don't understand. He hugged me. A full on hug", I stared at Mina stupidly. Why doesn't she understand? "Bakugou, man, I get it. I know. Calm the heck down," She smiled slyly while picking at her food. "I am fucking calm. And stop smiling like that," I groaned and rested my head on my hand. "You like him~" She dragged out the 'i's a little longer than normal. "Stop wasting air on invalid statements," I kicked her leg from under the table, and she kicked me back. We kicked each other for a while.

"BAKUGOU," Mina let out a wheeze mixed with a scream, but she was smiling. "You damn extraterrestrial," I growled and kicked her one last time. "Okay, okay listen. I know you want advice, why didn't you just say it first thing?" She rolled her eyes. "I don't want your stupid advice. I don't even like him," I grumbled. "Oh yes you do. Don't fight me on this," she pulled out a small notepad. "What the hell is that for?" I tried snatching it away from her. "No stop!" she grabbed it and huffed, "I'm trying to help," she pulled out a pencil as well. "Kirishima has a lot of aspects and i'm listing them for you. As well as general date ideas..." My eyes flashed up at her at the last part. "No, put that away dumbass," I shook my hand in a dismissive motion. "Listen!" She leaned forwards, her voice becoming low. "He's got a lot of problems. Im sure you already know that..but hear me out. Make a list!" She leaned back with a smug expression. "..What 'list' do you mean?" I became a little suspicious. "Like..a list noting all of his tendencies. His favorite things. Potential date areas," Mina listed a few ideas off. "Are you trying to turn me into a stalker?" I didn't like this idea. "Make a mental list. Thats not stalkerish," She stretched and stood up when she saw other students disposing their trays. "Whatever," I got up and began walking away from her. I didn't have a tray. "It's not a good thing that you didn't eat, Bakugou," a familiar voice sounded behind me. I turned to see Sero smiling lazily. "It's not good to interrogate on an empty stomach!" He said, referring to our next class. Extensive interrogation. Also one of the classes I have with Kirishima.. "I'll be fine. Besides, it's not like I could do any worse than you."

*next period!

"Inter ogee/Interrogator. I'll be assigning you either of these roles, and you'll be examined today. Keep in mind that your pair is solely decided on your skill levels. We'll put matching skill levels in the same pair. Also..." The teacher's voice droned on and on to the point where I stopped listening. I snapped out of my daze when he began listing our roles. "Inter ogees: Tetsutetsu, Sero, Bakugou. Interrogators: Kaminari, Tokoyami, Kirishima. Specifically partnered in this order, that's all we'll have time for. All others are dismissed to the Commons," The teacher wrapped up his instructions.

Great. I'm paired with Kirishima. How unlucky could I get? "Now..remember. We can see all of your movements and we can hear any sounds that you make. Up first, Kirishima and Bakugou. People who are waiting, please wait in the hallway. Go ahead," The teacher held the door open into the interrogation room, and locked it behind us. Kirishima was looking a little nervous being an interrogator. He's insanely good at this, why is he nervous? I ran over my practice quickly in my head. The student interrogator may hit the inter ogee, but if it gets too out of control, they will stop it. We were given 10 minutes to look over our situations, and remember as much as we could. Apparently i'm a suspect of major gang activity. I am guilty of this, I have vandalized many areas and have murdered others in business. I am not to speak of who has sent me out to do these things. The beep over the speakers signaled that we had to put away our information. The room was very well lit. It wasn't like one of those crime shows you see on tv, those are bullshit. I'm sitting at a small table , and my hands are cuffed behind my back.

"Suspect Cato," Kirishima began the act, taking a deep breath in and placing his hands on the table. "We've already got all of your information. The search warrants, the drugs, the suspected murder weapons, " His eyes never wavered, he looked at me with cold orbs. I see. He's been given instructions to get straight to the point. That doesn't help me at all. "What makes you think they're mine?" I cringed at myself inwardly. It's a messy start, I know. But I don't have much to work with here.   Kirishima didn't answer my question. "But i'm focused on something different. Does she look familiar to you?" He says, smacking a photo of a woman on the table. Yes, she does. She was an important woman to another gang, and I had killed her. She had stolen drugs from our leader, and we were sent after her. Of course her death stirred the other gang and caused a major scene. "No," I said blandly. Responding with shorter answers helps in these situations. "May I ask what your location was at 7:00 pm of last Wednesday?" He switched the topic. He's caught me off guard. "..My job," I responded. "Which is an employee at a drug store if im correct?" He stalked over to stand behind me. "And I know this woman has bought from your store before. Same one," He leaned down next to my ear and breathed on my neck. I felt my skin become hot and my panic rose. "So many people come in every day. I wouldn't of known," I tried covering my weak spots in my argument. "If the woman doesn't look familiar, does this?" He held out a medicine bottle, with a familiar pink stripe at the top of it's label. I saw it on my information sheet. That's what had killed her, the theft of several of these bottles. "No," I breathed out.

This continued for another 30 minutes, until Kirishima had found a way to twist all of my responses and shove them back in my face. He won that round. I got up, angered at my loss, and stared at Kirishima. He shrugged and laughed a little. "Come get these cuffs off of me," He nodded and grabbed the keys from his pocket. He stood behind me and placed his hand on my arm, then unlocked the cuffs. We walked out of the room to see our teachers murmuring with approval. We made our way to the hallway, to find only Sero and Tokoyami outside. "Wheres Kaminari and Tetsutetsu?" Kirishima tilted his head slightly. "Kami got sick. Went to the nurses office," Sero sighed. "He's a walking ball of illness," They entered the Interrogation room. Kirishima and I sat down on the floor.

"Um..Bakugou?" Kirishima crossed his legs and looked at me nervously. "Im super sorry for hitting you in the back of the neck. Displaying dominance sometimes earns us points," He sighed. "Yeah yeah. I know," I rubbed the back of my neck. It stung. A lot. I'm sure it will leave a bruise. "Here..let me.." Kirishima turned me , facing away from him. I felt warm fingers touch my neck lightly, stroking the area. "Jeez..I think i'm kinda strong," Kirishima stroked the area one last time and the pulled away, leaving me stunned. I turned to sit normally again, and tried to ignore the heat growing on my face. "Well dammit Kirishima," I growled lowly, taking his arm and rolling up his sleeve. "W what are you doing?" I targeted a bruise on his lower arm. I then touched my lips lightly to the area and let them linger there for a moment. Quickly realizing what I had done, I pulled away and tried not to chuckle at the look on Kirishima's face. He looks so stupid. "Did you just kiss my arm?"

"No, youre a loser."

"Bakugou..I liked that."

"I hate you so much."

A smile crept onto my face as I buried my face in my arms. Kirishima had done the same, letting out a small, startled noise before doing so.

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