part seventeen.

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hey, yknow we were in sixteen chapters just thought it was time for some lovey dovey crap. haha sorry for the wait on that im lame. also, have this really soothing picture taken by mwah.

kirishima's pov :)

  Wake up...wake up. I tried repeating these words over and over to snap myself out of my trancelike state. I lay curled against Bakugou's chest weakly, not willing to move. This is really bad. I didn't mean to fall long have we been here? What day of the week was it again? Friday, right? My stomach clenched as I felt Bakugou stir next to me. I lifted myself carefully up and away from him, now sitting with my legs crossed right next to him. "Bakugou," I placed my hands on either side of his face and patted his cheeks lightly. "Baaaaakugou," I said a little more firmly. He groaned, and his eyes fluttered open. Beautiful, sleepy carmine eyes stared up at me in confusion. His eyebrows threaded and he sat up quickly. "What the hell?" He glanced around before his eyes landed on me once more. "Did we sleep outside?" His words slurred together. "Yes..yeah," I twisted a strand of my hair nervously. Did my hair look bad right now? "Bakugou," I whispered urgently, "What day of the week is it?"

He grabbed his phone behind him and checked the time, shaking his head. "It's Saturday, 3am. Did you actually have to wake up this early?" He looked like he was about to collapse. My breath caught in my throat. Saturday? "I'm supposed to be at home right now!" I tried to scramble to my feet but a hand caught my arm. "What are you talking about?" He looked completely calm but his voice had an anxious tone to it. I tried breaking his grasp and respond at the same time, but I couldnt get any words out. "KIRISHIMA STOP," Bakugou's angry voice sounded but I didnt listen. He yanked me backwards into his lap, and held me in his unyielding arms. Hot tears streamed down my face, and my eyelashes felt soaked. Upon seeing this, he instantly softened and held me soothingly. "Kirishima," His voice was barely audible, "Talk to me," it wasn't an option. "Oh, Bakugou.." I choked on my words, the lump in my throat strangling. I need to communicate with him. "They're going to kill me," I whispered, clutching his shirt as if I would fall. He was silent for a while. I didn't dare meet his gaze, I was still struggling to get my breathing under control. "Listen. You're going one of two ways. One, i'm going to your household and murdering your parents. Two, you're staying with me this weekend. Not to be let out of my sight," He tried to lift my head but I pressed it against his chest. I need to go home, and I need to do it now. But..I wonder what would happen if I stayed away for the weekend? Would my parents come after me? My father...

I twisted to stare deeply into his eyes. "Please let me stay with you," I begged helplessly. "I can't take another moment in that house..." I reached up to entwine my fingers with his spiky hair. "I think I can allow that," He teased. The corners of my mouth tugged upwards, leaving me smiling like a fool. My heart began to pound at an unhealthily high rate when I realized our position. I didn't mean to straddle him. I slid off and sat next to him, my knees curled to touch my chin. The only lighting we had was beautiful moonlight, casting a heavenly glow on Bakugou's relaxed features. "It's 3am, dumbass. Sleep or i'll make you," He glanced at me cooly before pushing me backwards, gently. "I don't want to sleep," I cursed at my heavy eyelids. I wanted to stare at him forever. He laid back as well, propping his head with both hands. "I have a question," I turned on my side to view him fully.

"It's 3am," he forcefully reminded me. "Okay. I guess it can wait," I scrunched my nose distastefully and closed my eyes. Before I knew it, a pair of strong arms were wrapped around me, holding me close to his chest. Surely he couldn't see my blush in semi darkness. As I drifted into a light sleep, I could've sworn I saw him turn the same color. Probably not.

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