part eighteen.

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oh hey another picture taken during golden hour, the best hour, if you haven't read an actual book in a while pls put down my story and read a better one :(

*baku's pov :)


"Bakugou please?"

"I said no."

"It's not like we have anything better to do."

The last thing I wanted to do today is visit that curly haired freak. Kirishima had insisted on visiting her, since I had worked there before, and because, well, he wanted to get out of the dorms. "She's a total dork," I protested, my stomach clenching as he fell off my bed with a yelp. "According to you, so am I," he frowned and rubbed his head softly, still hanging upside down. "It's dark in here too! At least open a window. It's not like you're a vampire," He flipped over and made his way to the curtains. "Are you?" He looked back at me, hands on curtains, gazing at me. He certainly knows how to use his eyelashes just right. He yanked open the curtains, sending a streaming pinkish light through the large window. "How beautiful," He sighed, stumbling back to the bed again and flopping on it. "I'm running away if you don't let me go," His muffled voice was barely audible as he buried his face in his arms. "Maybe I could ask Mina for a makeover," He turned onto his back and stared at the ceiling. I stayed silent, still sitting at my desk and 'focusing' on work. How could I focus knowing Kirishima was here? In my dorm? On my bed? I sighed and spun my chair around, staring at him apathetically. Even though I was extremely interested. "If you want Pinky to give you a make over, be my guest. But she has to come over here," I spun back around and tried to calm my raging heart. He looks adorable. Light and baggy blue jeans cuffed at the bottom, with black high tops. A white tank top with a flannel tied around his slim waist. (hey feel free to change the outfit up, it doesnt bother me.) "Oh you are completely unfair," He groaned dramatically, and kicked his shoes off. He then stood up and shuffled over to me, standing over my shoulder. "What are you doing anyway?" His floral scent overwhelmed me, and I didn't respond at first. "An argumentative paper," I tapped my pencil against the desk and rolled backwards, giving him room to see. "Boring."

"Don't you have any work?"


"That's what I thought, slacker."

"Its only Saturday, Bakugou! Give yourself a break," He took an extra pencil from my desk and placed it behind his head. He wound his hair up in a bun, securing it with the pencil and leaving his bangs out. Im going to flatline one day and it will be all his fault. He grabbed my hands and gently pulled me up, not letting go of my hands. Did he always have those light freckles on the bridge of his nose? How could I of missed that? "Take a break with me?" he stroked the palm of my hand with his finger tips. I leaned down slowly and let my lips linger over his, not letting his hitched breathing go unnoticed. "If you're out of my sight even once without my permission i'm dragging you back here," I spoke lowly since I was unable to growl this close. I don't want him hurt. "Okay," was all he uttered before I pressed my lips against his soft ones, pulling his waist closer to mine. I felt him smile against my lips, and he broke the kiss. "I'm sorry I couldn't hold my smile back," he bubbled, his face pink from ear to ear. I didnt resist my urge to grin, he was just so god damn adorable. "I'll take my homework to the store, okay?" He grabbed his drawstring bag and stuffed his paperwork into it, then pulled it over his arms. I left my essay on the desk. I'll finish it tomorrow. I grabbed the motorcycle helmet from its resting place next to my work area, and follow Kirishima through the door. "Heyyy what's that for?" He asked, not seeing the full helmet. "It's for you," I took the pencil from his hair and plopped the helmet on his head, twisting it to fit snugly on his head. "Oh wowie, you own a motorcycle?" He looked awed for a moment, "Waaaait a minute, why do I have to wear one and you don't?" before he remembered how uncomfortable it was. "Because I never wear one."

"Bakugou nooooo-"

"Kirishima yes."

"Okay well at least let me move my hair," He pulled the helmet off and looked at me for a moment. Dammit, I know what he's about to do. He laid the object down and bolted for the stairs, letting out a shaky and breathy scream as I snatched it up. Running after him is not easy. "No no no!" Kirishima laughed as my fingers brushed the back of his bag. We finally got past all of the stairs and he was beginning to lose me as I got dizzy, but shortly after I heard a soft 'umph!' and a loud thud. I round the last flight of stairs to find a fallen Kirishima, stomach down. I stifled a laugh and bent down in front of him, grinning. "Ow..." He curled up and held his stomach. "You deserved that," I took his underarms and lifted him quickly to his feet, not giving him a chance to react. He stumbled, looking dizzy. "Im not sure what just happened but i'm confident that I have brain damage," He was still keeping his distance, weary of the helmet. If he hits his head one more time today, there might be problems. What a klutz. "...You have to hold on tight," I said before stuffing the helmet in a closet in the lounge, keeping it out of sight. His face lit up and he jumped. "Yes!" he exclaimed before taking the pencil out of my back pocket,
and sticking it in his own.

I seated myself comfortably on the motorcycle,
enjoying another peaceful morning. Another breezy day, another rosy pink sky. Another sharky smile. Kirishima climbed onto the vehicle and seated himself, fingertips brushing my back. He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face into my back, still smiling. I took off, leaving Kirishima grasping me even tighter. It took a while for him to lift his head. "Oh...this is kinda..this is kinda amazing," I barely caught the words but it made me feel happier. Kirishima didn't hide his face again after that.

"Okay, get off," I ran my hands through my hair, and then over my eyes. Kirishima stumbled off the seat, not used to the movement. I secured the bike and aided him, holding his waist and allowing him to put his weight on me. "Amazing," was all he said as he gave me a spiked smile. "Definitely, Sharky," I released him and he stood up straight, pulling the pencil back out and twisting it into his hair. "Do you not have hair ties?" I asked as we began our slow trek to the glass doors. It was a very homey place , though the majority was glass. "I lost all of them...but I think Kaminari and Mina stole most of them," he complained , crossing his arms. "I can-" I was cut off by a scream. "aHHHHH," our heads snapped in the direction of the noise, and we looked up to see Etsuko sprinting, not running, sprinting towards us with open arms. "YES!!! You guys visited!" She threw her arms around the both of us, almost knocking us off of our feet until I steadied us. "Hello!" Kirishima waved once she released him. "Hi! Are you the guy this angry man gave the flowers too?" She shot right into the questions, walking backwards in front of us as we continued. "The pink and blue tulip bouquet?" he smiled at the mention of them. "Precisely!" she almost jumped out of her army boots. "Yeah! They were so beautiful," he gushed. A wave of nausea washed over me as they obsessed over the 'sweetness' of my act. "That's enough," I snapped as I held the door for the two of them. She sighed and led us to her register. "It's completely dead today. Not one customer," she glanced at the managers desk and blocked his view of her mouth with her hand, "I'm glad though. This guy is a total tyrant," she whispered, and Kirishima snickered.

"Anyway!" she raised her voice drastically when the manager narrowed his eyes at her. "Since it's only 9:00, I unfortunately have to 'work' until lunch break," she air quoted out of the man's sight. "You can start on your homework," I glared at Kirishima and he drooped. "I'll do it tomorrow," he didn't take the bag off. "We'll do something different tomorrow," I shot an accusing glare when Etusko tried to open her mouth to speak. She didn't have the most trustworthy grin on her face. "We're going out tomorrow too?" Kirishima's fiery eyes flashed with happiness. "We can't if you have work," I have him now.

"You make an interesting point, sir."



"Soooo, Katsuki," Etsuko bounded up to me as Kirishima settled down at the front of the store, along the wall. "Is it safe to consider you and that boy over there....boyfriends?" she raised her eyebrows up and down. "Testing the waters? Not safe at all. Now focus before I kick your ass," I knitted my brows and gave her the most unfriendly look I could. It comes naturally. She groaned and spun around to greet the first customer of the day.

would you guys read another AU of mine if I made one? and if so..
what type of AU?
which ship?
i can do kiribaku or klance :)

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