-New student-

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Taehyung and Jimin that was busy teasing each other immediately stop when their lecturer come.

"Hey guys..How you're doing??"Ask Mr Han.

The whole class just nod their head.

"Good..So class..today we have a new student..Uhmmm..so boy..Introduce yourself"

The boy just nod his head.


"Anyeong..My name is Park Bogum..Nice to meet you guys and I hope we can be friend"

As soon as Bogum introduce himself,there's some girl who start whispering to each other.

"Oh my god!!That's Park Bogum!!..Hell.."Whisper Jimin to Taehyung.


"Seriously Minie??you're joining them fangirling too??"Ask Taehyung with his 'I'm done' face.

"Lol Tae!!..Don't tell me that you didn't know him!!"

"He's Park Bogum right??..Our new classmate.."Answer Taehyung.

"Bitch no!!..I mean yes he's our new classmate..But..If he's not..You still didn't know him??"

"Do I look like I know him??..No right??"

"Bitch!!..He's BigHit trainee!!"Yell Jimin.

"Huh?!!..Bighit?!!..You mean..he's under the same company as BTS?!..But I thought all trainee are shackled by their CEO??"Ask Taehyung.

"It's because I'm a new trainee so I still can study.."Answer one voice.

Taehyung and Jimin turn their head.

Standing there is Bogum.

"Uhmm..Can I sit with you guys??"Ask Bogum.

"Hy Bogum..Yes..Sure..You can sit beside Taehyung."Say Jimin with his smile as he point his finger at the empty chair beside Taehyung.

"Hy..I'm Taehyung.."

"I'm Jimin..Oh my god..You know BTS right??"ask Jimin.

"BTS?..yes..I know them..They're my sunbae..why??"

"I'm a big fan of them!!..Please tell them that me,Jimin love them so much!!"shout Jimin.

"ahaha..Okay okay..Don't worry.."

It's only 4 hours since Jimin and Taehyung meet Bogum but three of them get along very well..And now three of them are walking to their locker together.

Bogum at the middle while his hand on Taehyung and Jimin shoulder that was at both of his side.

"So Bogum..where will you go after this??"ask Jimin.

"Me??..I will go to BigHit first to take my file then I'll go to my dorm..Can you guys accompany me to BigHit??please??.."ask Bogum.

"What?!!..You..You..Want me..To..Go to..BigHit??..BTS company?!!..Oh My God!!!..But..Can we go with you??"Yell Jimin crazily.

"Yes you can..as long as you guys with me"

Bogum is too busy to ask them to follow him while Jimin is too busy with his fanboying mode..

Both of them didn't realise that Taehyung is happy since he can meet Jungkook again.


Three of them are now walking to Bogum car untill..

"Ohhhh..Noooooooo..Please not todayyy!!!"yell Jimin out of sudden.

"Why Jimin??"ask Taehyung.

"My mum just text me and she want me to go to her house now..so..Sorry Bogum,Tae..I can't go to BigHit with you guys...But Wait!!"

Jimin take his diary and write something before give it to Bogum.

"Please give this letter to BTS..I need to go now..By guys"

With that Jimin left.

"So that's mean..It's only two of us right??"ask Taehyung.

"Yes..Let's go.."


"Yeayyy..We just finished our recording!!"

"yesss..Congrats.."Say Namjoon as he make a high five with Irene.

"So how's your work huh??"Ask Jin.

"Well..It's done perfectly..You know..Min Yoongi..Genius..These words should be enough"say Yoongi with his 'I'm a fucking proud man' look.

"That's it hyung..Yeri..You did a great job"praise Jungkook before give Yeri a hug.

Yeri immediately hug him back.

"Aww..Thanks Kook..You did a great job too.."Yeri ruffle Jungkook hair roughly,make his hair messy.

"Yahhh shortie..You make my hair messy!!"Jungkook move his hand to ruffle Yeri hair but Yeri immediately hold Jungkook hand.

Yeri is about to run from Jungkook but Jungkook waste no time to chase her and hug her waist from back,stopping her from go.


Jungkook and Yeri are having fun until..


Jungkook turn his head.

Standing there is Bogum,His dongsaeng and..


Taehyung just look at Jungkook.


He immediately let go of his embrace from Yeri waist.

"Bogum!!..How's your first day at university my bro??"ask Hoseok.

"It's great!!..Sunbae..this is my new friend..Kim Taehyung"

Taehyung show his boxy smile to all of them.

"Aha..Hyung..actually..I want to come here with Jimin too..He's a big fanboy of you guys..but...He can't..So..Here..He give this letter to you guys"Say Bogum as he pass the letter to Namjoon.

He give this letter to you guys"Say Bogum as he pass the letter to Namjoon

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"Aww..This Jimin guys is so sweet.."Say Wendy.

"His handwritting is cute tho"Say Yoongi.

"Guys..We've done our recording right??..So..We're going to cafe and then back to SM..bye"Say Seulgi as she give Hoseok a quick hug and follow all her members.

"By Kook!!"Say Yeri as she hug Jungkook.

"Bye..Shortie..Hahaha"Jungkook immediately hug Yeri back.


Taehyung just look at Jungkook and Yeri..

His heart is ached.


Suddenly..Jungkook look at Taehyung so both of them make an eye contact.

But immediately Taehyung broke the eye contact,looking down to the floor.

And..As Taehyung do that..

Jungkook know that


He just broke his Taehyung heart.

*get on my knees*
Guys please help me to vote!!
I'm begging you😂

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