-Yeri (2)-

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"Are you sure you wanna do this??"


That was the first question that Taehyung ask when both of them are now standing in front of Red Velvet practice room.

Jungkook have texted Yeri that he want to meet Yeri in Red Velvet practice room since he know if he go to Red Velvet dorm,there's other Red Velvet member there.

Jungkook nod his head and hold Taehyung hand.

''But..Yeri..she's the best for you..she can give you ki.."

Jungkook shut Taehyung with a kiss and cup the older face.

"Baby please..I don't need anything else in this world if I have you"Say Jungkook as he stare at Taehyung eyes making the elder blush.

"Now let's go"


Jungkook knock the door while Taehyung is standing behind him waiting nervously for the door to be opened

"Come in"

Both of them can hear Yeri voice so they immediately open the practice room door and step in.

"Baby!!"Shout Yeri as soon as she saw Jungkook and she immediately hug his lover.

Jungkook awkwardly hug Yeri back but this time with his 'manner hand'.

"I miss you!!"Shout Yeri happily and peck Jungkook lips.


However Yeri smile gone as soon as she saw Taehyung behind Jungkook.

Taehyung smile toward Yeri.

"Hy..Yeri..you're pretty!! Really"say Taehyung to Yeri.

"Thank you"Say Yeri without smiling and not even look at Taehyung.


"Hey love..There's something I want to talk about.."Jungkook hold Yeri hand and pull her toward the sofa.

"What is it kook??"Ask Yeri as he hold Jungkook hand tightly,making sure Taehyung saw that.


Jungkook sighed.

"Yeri..before that I want..you to kn-know that you're a perfect girl..you're pretty..y.."

"Baby..just say it.."Yeri giggled.


"Le-let's..break up.."

Yeri froze.

She can't believe it.



"I'm sorry..but..I can't continue this relationship if I..didn't love you.."

Yeri tears is now flowing down as she try to catch her breath.

"But..You're the one wh..

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