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BTS_Jungkook Please don't forget about me and move on

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Taehyung sighed and shut his eyes as he put his phone on the table.

He know that Jungkook post on instagram is about him.

"Good job Jungkook..What a good post to start my day"Mumble Taehyung.

He was too busy in his slumber and he didn't notice that Jimin and Bogum that just come and sit next to him.


"Good morning Tae.."

Bogum just laugh when Taehyung didn't notice Jimin.


Bogum immediately shake Taehyung body,making he jump in his seat.

"Yah you scared me!!''Yell Taehyung.

Both Jimin and Bogum chuckle.

"Tae..are you feeling better now??"Ask Bogum.

Taehyung nod his head.

"Are you sure??..You know that if there's something you want to talk about,you have me right??"Say Jimin softly as he hold Taehyung hand.

However Taehyung suddenly look at his laps.

"To be honest,I'm not okay at all,I need a break..all of this are too much for me How can I move on from Jungkook when he post his picture with sad caption about me"


Jimin and Bogum sighed.

"How about taking a break?? Go for a vacation in a place with pretty view??"Ask Bogum.

"I want to..but you know that my parent give me money to study right?? Not to go for a vacation..Before this..Jungkook used to give me some money even when I say I don't want to..but now..there's nothing between us anymore so of course he won't give his money to his ex"Explain Taehyung.


But suddenly Bogum got an idea.

"Hey Tae!! What about you and Jimin come with me to Jeju tomorrow?? I have a photo shot for my collab with this shirt brand"Suggest Bogum.

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