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Both Jungkook and Taehyung are now eating their dinner when Taehyung suddenly stop eating making Jungkook stop eating too and look at his lover.

''What's wrong baby??''Ask Jungkook worriedly.

''What we gonna do after this??''

''I'll take you home..''

''No no..I mean your manager will surely see your post..it'll definitely trigger your career as idol so what will happen to us??''Ask Taehyung.

Jungkook sighed.

''Baby listen..I don't care about my career at all..I do love my career and my fans but..I love you more than anything in this world..I can let my career go but honestly I can't imagine myself living without you..so please don't leave me..''Reply Jungkook as he look at Taehyung right into his eyes and hold his hands.

Taehyung nod his head.

''Now eat my prince''

Taehyung blush with that nickname but he immediately eat the food.


Both of them are now done with their dinner and Taehyung is now keep looking at the bouquet of flower that Jungkook gave to him.


Taehyung lift his head to look at Jungkook.

''Yes Kook??''Ask Taehyung.

''I have made my decision today''Say Jungkook out of sudden making Taehyung nervous.

''What decision??''


Jungkook can't finish his word when suddenly there's knock at the door,telling both of them that their dessert is here.

''Never mind..Let's eat the dessert first''Smile Jungkook.

Taehyung frown..He really hate it when Jungkook hide something from him.

But he just nod his head.

The waiter who knock the door immediately come in and push the tray that contain their dessert and stop in front of Jungkook.

''Enjoy your dessert sir..''Smile the waiter.

He put the dessert in front of Jungkook.

The dessert was Jungkook favourite chocolate ice cream,It look so delicious so Taehyung can't wait for his ice cream to arrive.

''And strawberry ice cream for sir Taehyung..''Smile the waiter as he put the ice cream in front of Taehyung.

Taehyung is smiling widely when his favourite ice cream is now arrived but then he saw something.

Taehyung is smiling widely when his favourite ice cream is now arrived but then he saw something

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He gasp and look at Jungkook but the younger is no longer there.

Jungkook now at his side,kneeling while holding a diamond ring and look at Taehyung.

IT HURTS(1) (VKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now