-Our love story-

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Jungkook is sitting at the sofa alone and enjoying some movie while waiting for JungHyun to arrive from University since usually at this time,his brother will be home already..

Jungkook is about to take a sip from his juice when his phone suddenly ringing..

He look at the caller id

Big Bro💩

''Please don't tell me that he didn't bring his fucking umbrella''

Jungkook roll his eyes before he finally answer it..

''What do you want brat??''Ask Jungkook.

''Don't brat me you fucker..get your ass here with my car cause I forgot my umb..

''I don't want''Snap Jungkook.

''That's not a choice..now come here or I swear to god I'll kick you''

''I'll pick you but you better treat me coffee after that''

''Ughhh..fine..now come here you little brother''

And with that his brother end the call.

Jungkook curse under his breath as he put his phone down and go to his room to wear his jacket before he take the car key and left the house.


Jungkook is now arrive at the University and immediately look for his brother,as soon as he found him,he immediately go and stop in front of his brother who was waiting for him.

JungHyun hop in the car as he glare at his little brother.

''You're late''

''Yes I know and I'm proud of myself''Smile Jungkook.

''Just drive already..I'll buy your coffee''

Jungkook happily giggle and about to drive to his favourite coffee shop when his brother suddenly hold his hand.

''What do you want again??''

''Go to that boy..I know him..I'll give him a ride''Say JungHyun as he point his finger at the boy who is reading his book,probably wasting some time while waiting for the rain to stop.

Jungkook don't even know who his brother pointing at so he just drive to the direction that his brother show him and stop when his brother ask him to.

As they reach there,His brother immediately lower the window.

''Taehyung!!''Shout JungHyun.

Jungkook just look at his brother before he turn his head to the said boy.The said boy lift his head up to look at the source voice and right at that time..Jungkook saw his face..

and man..

What a beautiful creature..

What a beautiful creature

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