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Taehyung is now lying at Jungkook bed,his face facing the wall since he's crying..


It's hurt so bad..everything..

His body
His heart

And even the fact that he need to leave Jungkook.

The sound of door being opened make he bite his lips,crying silently.


"hey baby..are you sleeping??"


Getting no answer,Jungkook take it as yes.He immediately lay beside Taehyung and hug his waist..

Jungkook accidentally put his hand on Taehyung bruises,making Taehyung immediately push Jungkook hand and hiss.

Jungkook sit and immediately make an eye contact with Taehyung and...

He saw tears


"Hey baby..why you crying??"

Didn't get any answer..Jungkook forcefully lift Taehyung shirt up and he gasp when he saw bruises and some bandage all over Taehyung body.

"babe..what the fuck is this?? You didn't have this before you go to that shop!!"

Taehyung look at Jungkook with eyes full of tears..He suddenly launch himself to Jungkook..hugging him so tight,crying badly.

At the first Jungkook was shock but he caress Taehyung back slowly,be careful with his bruises.

"hey hey..there there..calm down..come on baby..tell me..where did you get all of these?..who did this??"Jungkook cup Taehyung face,wiping the older tears with his thumb.


Taehyung still crying but he know that leaving Jungkook is the best decision since he want the best for his beloved man.

You can do this Tae..

Taehyung take a deep breath..

"Jungkook..I love you so so much..but..you know what?? Me being your boyfriend will only give you a bad reputation..so..


"let's break up kay??..


Jungkook gasp..

No..he's not going to lost Taehyung..

He need Taehyung..
He can't live without him..

"Ba..baby...noo..please don't do this to me..what did I do wrong??..tell..me..I'll fix it..just..ple..please don't leave me.."cry Jungkook as he pull Taehyung head so now their nose and forehead are touching.


"I'm sorry kook..I do love you..but..we can't okay??..me being your boyfriend will only give you a bad name..so we...

Jungkook shut Taehyung with a kiss.

"please..don't do this..I'm begging..you..please baby..please.."

Taehyung take a deep breath,he cup Jungkook face,the younger is now having a hard time to breath.

He can't accept the fact that Taehyung gonna leave him.


"Jungkook look..you're gonna find yourself a good woman kay??..promise me that you'll be happy..I'm doing this for your own good..I love you Jungkook"say Taehyung as he peck Jungkook lip and wiping his own tears that can't stop going down with his hand.

IT HURTS(1) (VKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now