-Amusement Park 2-

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Taehyung and Jimin have done their first ride which is roller coaster and both of them are smiling widely.

"Oh My god..That was so fun!!"Yell Jimin.

"Yes yes!!''

"So Chim..where's our destination now??"Ask Taehyung.

"I want to go to the arcade station so bad!! I heard that there's one new space game!!"Yell Jimin out of excitement.

"We should go there but can't you see that Chim?? There's a lot of people at that token changer and definitely I can't wait"

"Let's play rock,paper,scissor..The loser need to go to that token changer"

Taehyung know that Jimin never win at this game so he agree to play it.


And as Taehyung expected,He win this game.

"Damnit!! why I keep losing this fucking game?!"Ask Jimin.

"Because you're bad at it"Snap Taehyung.

Jimin sighed.

"You wait here dickhead..I'll go to get the token"Jimin immediately run to the machine as he doesn't want the line to get longer.

However Taehyung need to pee so he text Jimin and run to the toilet.


"Come on Jungkook!! You can do it!! Fighting!!"Shout Yeri as he look at his boyfriend that was trying so hard to shoot all the balloons.

Jungkook hit the last balloons and suddenly there's a music coming out of nowhere.

"Congratulations!! You got a bear!!"Say the man as he give a cute bear to Jungkook.

Jungkook give the person a fake smile and take the bear before give it to Yeri.

"For you"Smile Jungkook.

Yeri eyes widen as she take the bear and hug it tightly.

"Yeay!! Thanks babe!!"

Yeri immediately hug Jungkook and peck his lips.

Jungkook really want to wipe his lips but he doesn't want to hurt Yeri feelings so he smile instead.

"You're welcome love''Jungkook fake his smile.

"Kook..Where's our next destination??"Ask Yeri.

"Love..take this money and buy us a drink..I need to use the toilet kay??"

Yeri nod and peck Jungkook lips before he run to the drink stall.


Jungkook go to the toilet and wash his face.

He sighed..

I feel bad for Yeri

She does everything to show her love toward me

Jungkook wipe his face using the tissue and look at the mirror..

I wish I can explain everything to Taehyung

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