-Our love story pt 2-

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It's been a month after Jungkook first meet with Taehyung and now both of them are super close already.

Jungkook still can remember that two weeks ago Taehyung go with him to his BigHit audition and support Jungkook..Honestly if you ask Jungkook,he will say that Taehyung was an angel..

An angel that Jungkook fall in love with.

''Yahh Jeon Jungkook''

Jungkook immediately turn his head to his brother that was calling him.

''When will you tell Taehyung that you love him??..You know that he was wanted by so many people so don't come crying to me if your crush is taken''

''Hyung..telling Taehyung that I love him is not easy as you think..you know how fast my heart would beating if I saw him right..I'm afraid''

JungHyun just shake his head.

Jungkook is playing with his phone alone when suddenly his brother open his room door.

''Kook,There's a letter for you''

Jungkook take the letter from his brother before he close his room door and open the letter.



Dear Jeon Jungkook

We're sending this letter from BigHit Entertainment and we want to inform you that we've watch your audition video and we also have met you at HIT IT audition and now we're happily want to say that your request to be one of BigHit trainee have been accepted.

Your angelic voice and amusing dance was really good so we've decide to pick you as one of our trainee for our new boy group so please be ready and come to BigHit Entertainment building next week.We'll be waiting for you at the second floor of BigHit building.

Email us for more info.

Bang Si Hyuk.

Jungkook eyes widen.

He was accepted!!

''Oh my god!! I did it!!''Yell Taehyung happily as he jumping crazily on his bed.


''Hey why you're screaming?!''Ask JungHyun as he aggressively open Jungkook room door.

''Hyung!! BigHit accept me!!''

JungHyun eyes widen as he immediately open his arm and Jungkook wasting no time to hug his brother tightly.

''Congrats Jungkook!! Omg I'm proud of you!!''

''Jungkook it's your time to tell Taehyung that you love him..use this as excuse for you to meet him!! hurry up!!''

''What?? Noo..I'm s...

''Arghhh..for fucking sake Jungkook..just go and meet him!!''


After some argument with his brother,Jungkook lose and he finally gave up so he decide to call Taehyung and ask his crush to wait for him at the park.

''Omg Jungkook I'm so proud of you!! you did it!! I'm super happy for you''Yell Taehyung as he pat Jungkook head.

''Thanks hyung''Smile Jungkook.

Both of them are now having their little picnic cause Taehyung bring the picnic mat and some food together with him so he can eat with Jungkook.

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