-Conference pt 2-

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"Sir Jungkook..can we all know the main reason why you're doing this conference??"Ask one of the interviewer.


Jungkook immediately grab the mic before he open his mouth to talk.

"Well,as you guys already know..I've mentioned it on my instagram post that I've proposed to the love of my life and also I'm not a BTS member anymore..So I'm doing the conference today to tell the reason why I left BTS and also I'll answer some question from you guys"Reply Jungkook.

"BTS are so popular all over the world right now despite the fact that it's only been five months since all of your guys debut ..Your fandom are so big and amazing..Don't you feel sad that you need to left all your fans that have support you??"

"To be honest..I love my career so much,I've worked so hard to achieve my debut and then I gain a lot of fans that I love so much..But let me be honest here..I've been in a relationship with Taehyung even when I'm not a trainee yet but I never tell BigHit about this..but then,I decide to tell everyone about our relationship and start from that day..Bighit start asking me to left Taehyung cause they didn't like the fact that I'm gay but of course I don't do that cause I love Taehyung so much and right after I proposed to Taehyung..BigHit was super mad with my decision and ask me to leave Taehyung or they'll remove me from BTS..and know I assume that you guys already know who I choose right??"Reply Jungkook calmly.

"A few months ago..You and Red Velvet Yeri confirmed it in you guys instagram that both of you guys are dating..What happen with your relationship with her??"


"Actually..BigHit is the one who ask me to have a relationship with Yeri since they want me to have a normal relationship,not a gay one..I don't want to do it at first but they force me so I have no choice but to follow it..And Taehyung was so mad at me because of it that he left me..but then..I realise that I only love Taehyung and I only can see Yeri as a friend so I decide to broke up with her and go to my Taehyung back"


"Thank you for that explanation sir..And now we want to ask sir Taehyung"

Taehyung eyes widen by that sudden situation but he grab the mic immediately.

"Taehyung,What do you feel after knowing that Jungkook is not a BTS member anymore??"

"Uhmmm..I feel so bad cause I'm the reason why he's leaving BTS,He have worked so hard to make his dream come true but the fact that he let his dream go just because of me make me sad"


"How you guys meet each other and decide to dating??"

Jungkook take the mic.

"Taehyung was in the same university as my brother but my brother was a senior while Taehyung is a junior..Our first meeting is when my brother offered Taehyung for a ride cause it was raining back then..at the first time I saw him,I just think that Taehyung is so beautiful and I don't know why but my heart suddenly beating so fast..Me and Taehyung are sitting at the backseat cause my brother friends sat at the front..it was awkward back then but I can't help to stealing a glace toward Taehyung..When we reach to Taehyung dorm,I shyly ask for his phone number and let just say that that's how our relationship story begin"

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