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Jimin who now in his bored mode since his best friend is now in Daegu decide to open his instagram since he just posted his photo like 7 minutes ago.


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P.Jimin95 I miss this Hoe you know..Btw..have fun in Daegu bitch!!

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Pxrk.Bogum You're not going with him to Daegu?? You guys always spend time together right??

P.Jimin95 @ Pxrk.Bogum Not this time😂😂..Taehyung say he want to spend time with his cousin

After replying  to Bogum comment,He continue scrolling his feed until he saw some familiar faces..


That's Taehyung and..

Why did his face is on 'KpopNews' post??

Jimin immediately search for that account and shock when it's really his bestfriend face on the post that was suppose about kpop idol.



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1,634,148 likesKpopNews As we all know,BigHit already mentioned on their previous post that BTS is now on their 3 days holiday,However

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KpopNews As we all know,BigHit already mentioned on their previous post that BTS is now on their 3 days holiday,However..we didn't know what will the boys do during their holiday.But..This morning,BTS youngest member,Jungkook was seen with one unknown man..of course it's normal for them to hang out with their friends,but the question is..was it normal to be this close and making a very sweet skinship with your friend?? Those pictures was taken on this morning,it's kinda blur since we can't let Jungkook know that we're stalking them..so..who was this man??

Put yout comments bellow!!

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Yunnn7__ Oh come on!! BigHit give them their holiday so they can rest like a normal people do,so stop chasing after him you crazy attention seeker!! That's rude..

JeonCarla who the fuck is that fucking guy?? Stop touching my man you gay faggot!!

Yourieess So basically ARMYS are going crazy for a group that have a gay member?? Ewww..

Shane25 The picture is blur but I still can see that guy's handsome face😂

Kookookk97 so what if that was his boyfriend?? Jungkook doesn't say anything about his dating story mean he doesn't want anyone to know but here you are being a crazy kpop fans,took their picture which is wrong!!

BangtanGuardian ARMYS love them because of their vocal,dance and hardwork..doesn't matter if they are gay or straight..it's their private life okay so we need to step out of it!!

Chewhit Eww..delete this post..that two fucking gay bitches disgust me!!

MinBitchess Whoever that guy is,he need to stay away from my Jungkook,He will give a bad rumors to Jungkook.

Jimin immediately close that instagram app..He can't bear reading all the bad comments that was dedicated to his bestfriend and member of his favourite group.

"I need to call Taehyung,he need to read this"

Jimin immediately dial Taehyung number and wait for the other to reply.


Sorry..the number...



"Halmeonii!!"Shout Jungkook as he running towards his grandma and hug the old woman tightly.

"My baby!!..I miss you!!"Reply her grandma as he stroke Jungkook hair while hugging the younger.

Taehyung just stand behind Jungkook since it was his first time meeting Jungkook grandma and he's kinda nervous.

Jungkook grandma who was known as Jeon HyeSun immediately pull away from the hug and go to Taehyung.

"So you're the gorgeous man who steal my little Jungkook heart huh??"Tease HyeSun as she pat Taehyung head.

Taehyung blush.

"Come on Tae,let's go inside..kook..you too"


The couple is now in Jungkook room,of course HyeSun offer Taehyung to sleep in their guest room since it's big but Taehyung insist that he want to sleep with Jungkook.

Jungkook who was done changing his clothes immediately go to Taehyung and hug the older waist who was laying on the bed,watching television.

Jungkook push his hand so now his hand in Taehyung shirt,caressing his soft and warm belly.

"Uhmmmmm.."Hum Jungkook as he nuzzle himself in Taehyung neck,nipping it.

Taehyung just let it since he like the way Jungkook babying him.

"Baby..Wanna know something awesome??"Ask Jungkook out of nowhere.

Taehyung didn't reply but he immediately face Jungkook,giving a signal that he want to know it.

"We didn't open our phone for one day right??"

"Yes..but kook..are you sure that was a good idea?? I mean what if there's important call from someone??"

"There's nothing important than our vacation baby"

"Actually there is...


"I left my toothbrush at my home..so..I'll go to supermarket kay.."

Jungkook chuckled and peck Taehyung lips.

"You're so cute you know..want me to go with you??"

"Nahh it's okay..You need to rest..bye kook"

"Wait baby..can you buy me some eggs and flour?? My grandma said she want to make some pancakes for us"

"Sure..bye kook'
Taehyung immediately peck Jungkook lips and grab his jacket and wallet before step out of the room.

As soon as Taehyung out..Jungkook immediately lay on his bed back and continue watching the movie calmly..

Without any information that Taehyung was in danger.

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