-coming to you-

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I'm sorry for the late update!!



Jimin put the porridge and glass of water on the small table beside Taehyung bed before he go and sit beside his sleeping best friend.

He look at Taehyung with full of love.

Jimin pat and ruffle Taehyung hair softly.

"Tae..I don't know what is happening right now but I'll stay by your side..I'll protect you..we've been friends for 17 years already so you mean a lot to me"Jimin peck Taehyung forehead.


Jimin look at the small table beside Taehyung but he suddenly saw a bouquet of flower on the floor..Jimin immediately go to the flower and look at it.

"This flower is so pretty"Jimin talk to himself as he suddenly saw a small love card inside the flower and read it.

Hey baby..

Happy 5 month anniversary!!
I'm sorry that I only can give this flower and watch to you since I'm in comeback now and I'm so busy ︶︿︶
But I'll bring you to your favourite restaurant tonight kay??
I'll come at 8.00, so please be pretty for me



Suddenly there's a knock at the door,Jimin immediately go to open it.


But as soon as he open the door,His eyes widen.


Standing there is BTS Jeon Jungkook.

His favourite idol.


OH MY GOD!! YOU'RE BTS JUNGKOOK SHIT!!!!"scream Jimin as he close his mouth to prevent him from screaming more.

But Jimin know that that was not Jungkook.


He look so broken.

His tears is still streaming down.
His body can't seem to stop shaking.

"You're Jimin??"Ask Jungkook nicely.

"Oh my god..how did you know??"

"Tae told me about you a lot everytime we met,You're a big fan of us"Answer Jungkook.


"Where's my Taehyung??"ask Jungkook as he look at Jimin with 'please let me meet my Taehyung' face.

"In his room,when I came here like 30 minutes ago,He was crying and when I hold him,he passed out but 15 minutes ago,he woke up but I ask him to sleep since he look so weak"

Jungkook immediately step inside and about to come in Taehyung room when Jimin hold his wrist.

Jungkook look at Jimin.

IT HURTS(1) (VKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now