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Jungkook and Taehyung are already in Korea but of course both of them can't forget all the memories that they've made together in Hawaii.

Now Jungkook and Taehyung are cuddling comfortably on the sofa while watching some random movie that Jungkook pick.It just 2pm but both of them choose to stay in the house and spending some time together and also Jungkook say that the weather is too hot today.

Taehyung is watching the television when he can feel that his husband is  nipping on his neck slightly and one of his hand is literally roaming in Taehyung shirt.

''Jungkook..You suppose to watch the movie,not biting me..are you a vampire??''Giggle Taehyung.

''Yes I'm a vampire..I'll live forever so I can be with you''Jungkook whisper at Taehyung ear making the pink haired man blush.

''I don't want to live with you cause you'll drink my blood''Say Taehyung.

''I'll drink something else then''Reply Jungkook as he look at Taehyung with his pervert smirk.

''Ewww what the fuck Jungkook,You're a pervert''Yell Taehyung.

Jungkook laugh so hard and hug Taehyung tighter.

''I'm sorry kay??''Laugh Jungkook as he kiss Taehyung forehead.

Taehyung just smile as he continue to watch the movie cause he can't deny the fact that the movie that Jungkook pick is good.


Time surely fast so fast cause they already at the middle of the movie and now the married couple are so focus into the movie since Jungkook mouth is literally open while Taehyung eyes didn't blinking.


The ringing sound of Jungkook phone making both of them jump.

Jungkook take his phone and look at the caller id.

Jungkook eyes widen cause after he left BTS,He never receive any call from this guy.

Sejin Hyung

Jungkook is shock but he pick up the call anyway.


''Jungkook is that you??''

''If you talking about that Jungkook who are arrogant,pampered and have a fucking bad behaviour then that's me''

''Uhhmm..Well Jungkook..I'm sorry about those harsh words..but..we need you to come to BigHit now..There's something we want to talk to you about''

''I don't think we have something to talk about''

''Please Jungkook,All of your hyungs are waiting for you here,there's really something that we need to talk about''

''Okay then,I'll come for my hyung cause I love them''

''And Jungkook,Please bring Taehyung too''


Jungkook end the call as he look at Taehyung but his husband is no longer next to him.


''Yes Kook,Sorry..There's letter from BigHit for you so I went to take that''Say Taehyung as he pass Jungkook the letter that was covered by a white envelope.

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