6 - Apartment

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Shin Liz hugged the pillow beside her as she felt very comfortable with her small bed inside her apartment.

She was living there for 5 years and the noise from the neighborhood's morning arguments became her human alarm clock.

But that morning was strangely different. It was unusually silent. Her landlady didn't wake her up with complains for not throwing her garbage and just leaving it outside her unit's door.

She rubbed her eyes but chose to still close them. Last night was "awesome". She actually had an official date with a total stranger who turned out to be super rich in a very fancy restaurant he owned.

She was brought by a fancy car outside her apartment after Mr. Kim left for some important business.

Liz smirked. She was unhappy for being left out after she signed the contract.

She signed the contract.

"Oh shit! I signed the contract!"

She immediately opened her eyes and jumped off the bed right away.

Then with the early morning rays of the sun gleaming on her room's window, a more shining feature of a man's face was brightly smiling at her.

"Good morning, Miss Shin. I'm Jung Hoseok. And I am very honored to bring you to your --

Liz watched him giving a judgmental stare on her room's ceiling, wall and furniture. Then he smiled at her and continued talking.

New home :)"

Liz's eyes widened from the confusion, disbelief, doubt and any verbs you may add on just to explain how she couldn't explain the unexplainable situation she was at.

"Excuse me?"

The man in a very casual look headed towards the door from the window where he was nearby standing.

"Your ride is waiting outside, Miss Shin. And by the way, the landlady said you should turn the lights off outside your unit before leaving."

Then he left the room.

Liz sat on her bed while caressing her forehead.

"I think I'm going nuts in no time. Wait let me slap myself."

And so she did. And it hurt. She wasn't dreaming.

"This is reality. February of 2018 and I'm not dreaming. And my cheek hurts. Urrrrghhhh!"

After a few minutes, another person went inside her room. Liz sighed in relief for seeing her again.

Jeon Hannah.

Her friend whom she believed would remain single forever.

"Hannah, you don't wanna believe this."

Her friend was throwing death glares on her.

"Who was that guy I met outside your unit? I thought you are 'marrying' a 'very rich' and 'very handsome' man? That's not what I saw in him."

Liz was laughing from her friend's very disappointed face.

"He's not Mr. Kim. But I bet he is single. Hahaha!"

Hannah just rolled her eyes.


Liz had already told Hannah everything about everything. Hannah was the only friend she would turn to. Liz considered her as the only family she had.

"By the way, a limo is waiting outside. Your neighbors are in total shook."

Liz hurriedly checked outside her window.

"No way."

Hannah just shrugged her shoulders.

"And oh! The man I met outside your unit said to just leave your things."

Liz knitted her eyebrows. Like why?

"His name is Jung Hoseok."

Liz winked at Hannah. Teasing her with a man she just met outside her unit.

Then Liz suddenly had a mental breakdown. She remembered Mr. Kim's wink and she was about to marry a man she just met and almost killed.

"I' think I'll be pulling may hair in a mental institute soon."



* smiles

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