33 - Handwritten Letter

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Liz sighed. She had no idea how to go back home. Which home? Mr. Kim's mansion? Her apartment?

No. Not in Mr. Kim's mansion. She no longer trusted him.

   "Okay, Liz. One more page."

< 10th of January, 1868 >

Young love is reckless but I know in my heart that my affection for her is real. I want to help her get away from her engagement. She said she's scared. I want to help her get out from the obligation of marrying the moon's son. She is young. 16 and helpless. My poor Elizabeth."

   "Wait, 16 and marrying someone? Nope. That's a no for me."

< 12th of January, 1868 >

I know I only met her few days ago. But my heart is always seeking for her. We went to a forest where flowers bloom even in the cold. Her smile is sweeter than a honey. She is young but I want to take her as my own."

   "Woah woah woah ~ what do you mean take her as  your own?

Wait. If I am really Myeong Elizabeth, then I am no longer a VIRGIN?"

She rushed towards the family picture and couldn't help but smile. Then she shook her head to free her thoughts from the idea of her with a child.

< 15th of January, 1868 >

I secretly went out to see Elizabeth. We promised to see each other again by the river at 8 in the morning. We will be spending time together again under the blue sky. Since we cannot be together when the moon is up the sky, we shall depart before it's getting dark. I'm going to tell her how I feel for her."

  "And then take her as your own?" *smirks

Cont -

But she didn't show up. Instead, there was the moon's son waiting for me with Elizabeth's handwritten letter for me.
I am extremely broken hearted."


Liz found a letter inserted in the journal.


Mr. Kim Seokjin,

I thank you for your fondness towards me and for the warm company we've shared. But I wish to never see you again.

Myeong Elizabeth


Liz suddenly felt a pain in her chest.

   "Why do I feel hurt while reading this? Am I really Myeong Elizabeth? If I am, then how come I don't remember everything about it?"



Kim Taehyung:
  "Hyung-nim, you're back! Did you find her? "

Kim Seokjin:
   "Pack some of Miss Shin's dress. She needs it."

Kim Taehyung:
   "Why? Is she naked when you found her?"

Kim Seokjin:
   "Just do what I say."

Kim Taehyung:
   "Did you - "

Kim Seokjin:
   "Do you want me to confiscate your visa card?"

Kim Taehyung:
   "Liz noona will be needing her toothbrush too, right?"

Kim Seokjin:




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