Chapter 2: The Wind Storms

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Y/N's Pov.

Link had taken me back to the castle, to where I bid him farewell and goodnight until the following day. Tomorrow was the day of the Picori Festival, which was a festival held to honor and thank the Picori for all their help in the past years. What are Picori, you may ask? Also known as the Minish, the Picori are a small race of mice-like creatures that help humans with any problems that they can fix. Like, if anything becomes broken, it is said that the Picori come to fix it. The only ones who can see them are well-behaved children and people with kind hearts who truly believe in them. They are also said to be the ones who forged the Picori Blade that the Hero used to defeat the forces of evil. Link had wielded it when he fought against the darkness, though I don't know if he still believes in that legend anymore. I remember that when we were children, we'd sneak into the woods and try to find the Picori, but never did. The sword is now sealed away in the castle, where it is only brought out during the festival. Most people disregard it, thinking that it's just a fairy tale. Though, we still hold a festival every year in their honor due to this legend that has been passed down for generations. And today was the 100th year.

"Wow, everything looks so pretty and well-decorated!" I exclaim as Link and I were walking through town on the day of the festival, exploring every inch of it. Link chuckles at my reaction and looks ahead.
"Hey Y/N, remember the lottery?" He asks, pointing to the table where a lottery was being held. The winner would get to receive whatever they wanted of their choice out of the available prizes. I look over and nod, smiling as I remembered that I had won it once when I was younger, and I had gotten Link a shield as my prize. Link didn't think that I should waste my prize on a shield for him, but I insisted, and he eventually accepted. He doesn't wield it now, as it is too small for him, but he said that he still has it and that the memory would always be precious to him. A great evil attacked our kingdom sometime later, and that's when Link discovered that he was the hero that needed to defeat it.
"Of course, how could I forget?" I smile, looking up at Link.
"I can't wait until the competition later today." That's right. During every Picori Festival, there is a battle competition held on the castle grounds. Not only does the winner of the competition get a sword made by the royal blacksmiths, but they also get to see the legendary Picori Blade up close.
"And let me guess. You're going to try to win it, aren't you?"
"I am going to win it. I'm the strongest man in Hyrule. Plus, I still haven't gotten a proper kiss from you ever since I saved you." He says heroically, making me giggle.
"Don't get too cocky Link. You never know when you'll meet your match." I tease him, poking his chest. He rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, there's no way I'm letting any other guy win this tournament." He replies, to which I roll my eyes.
"Come on, let's head back to the castle. The competition will be starting soon." I say as the two of us begin making out way back to the castle.

Once we get back to the castle courtyard, the competition had begun.
"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Picori Festival tournament!" The announcer says. "The winner will get to receive their own sword, made by the royal blacksmiths, and get to see the holy Picori Blade up close. May I present Y/N, our beloved princess." Everyone looks to me as I sat on my throne, shyly waving to the crowd with a smile on my face. I always felt nervous whenever I received this much attention, though did my best to remain composed. I noticed Link standing among the crowd of participants and waved to him. He smiles at me and waves back.
"Let the competition commence!"
The tournament was intense, neither opponent backing down on the other. Each contestant fought really hard, though, in the end, there were only two remaining. Link, obviously, and a man clad in violet robes.
"Our final competitors are Link and Vaati. If both competitors are ready, the battle will now begin!" Once the announcer had said that, Link immediately rushed towards the man cloaked in purple, or Vaati, hoping to finish the battle in an instant. However, we were all surprised to see that it wouldn't end that way. Vaati smirks as he creates a large gust of wind, immediately knocking Link off his feet and out of the arena. The crowd and I gasp as Link's sword is knocked out of his hand. Because Link had lost his weapon and was out of the arena, that declared him as the loser of the round.
"And Vaati is the winner!" The crowd then starts cheering for Vaati, who bows to them, still grinning. I looked over to Link, seeing him with an angry look on his face, not that I was surprised. I was disappointed that Link didn't win as well, but I wasn't allowed to be biased about it, so I sighed, standing up from my throne as the Picori Blade, within its box, was brought up front. Vaati turns to face my father as he walked up to him, holding a brand new sword that shone in the sunlight. His eyes shifted to me, and I felt myself tense up slightly. Something about his red eyes... scared me.
"Winner Vaati, step forward!" Vaati steps forward to my father. "Vaati, as the winner of the tournament, we are honored to present you with this sword." My father said as he held out a sword to Vaati.
"I am thankful and happy..." Vaati started before smirking, his red eyes emitting a slight glow. "...that this will be so easy." He surrounds himself with a strong gust of wind.
"The only way to get close to the box sealed with the holy Picori Blade as the champion of the martial arts tournament! I have been waiting for this moment!!"
"What?! A ruffian, eh?!" The guards immediately get in their defensive positions, pointing their own swords at Vaati. A gust of wind immediately knocks them away as Vaati opens the sacred box, breaking the legendary Picori Blade in the process. Hundreds of dark monsters and beasts were released from the box, escaping into the outside world. The town's people were crying out in fear and trying to flee the scene, while Link immediately stood up, grabbing his sword and running into the fray. One of the monsters tried to attack me, but a light barrier was created around me, much to Vaati's shock.
"Who are you? Why are you doing this?!" I ask with a stern voice. I was not afraid of Vaati, for my Triforce of Wisdom would protect me from any of his attacks.
"Oh ho. It seems that Hyrule's princess has a strange power..." Vaati says as he begins to approach me. "It would be a real problem if a person like you were free to run around and get in my way later on..." I couldn't lie if I said that I was feeling a bit scared, but I wouldn't let my fear be my downfall.
"Don't hurt her!" Link says as he jumps in front of me to protect me.
"Tch, insolent boy." Vaati says, knocking Link to the side with another gust attack.
"Link!" I cry out as I am about to run over to him, but Vaati stops me, grabbing my arm to keep me from moving. He narrowed his red orbs at me as if observing me, though it was only creeping me out.
"Let me go!"
"Hm... You know, for a princess, you are quite beautiful. You'd make a lovely bride for me." He says with a smirk on his face, showing his sharp teeth. Both my and Link's eyes widen as Vaati says that.
"Never! I shall never become your bride!" I say, pulling away from Vaati's grasp and rush over to Link. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, don't worry." Link says, grabbing his sword and standing back up in front of me. Vaati glared at Link, clenching his fists for a second before chuckling evilly.
"Very well, since you choose to be stubborn, I shall give you a choice, Princess." Vaati says, smirking. "If you become my queen, then I'll spare you and this kingdom. But if you don't, then I'll destroy Hyrule and everything that you care about!" He states, specifically looking to Link. "You have three days to make your decision. If you choose to make the 'right' decision, meet me in the forest at sunset at the end of the third day. And don't think about bringing anyone with you, or else they'll be very sorry that they messed with the Lord of Winds!" He lets out a maniacal laugh before disappearing into the wind. I stood still, trembling in my spot as my mind was clouded with confusion and fear. What am I going to do?

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