Chapter 12: Fight and Farewell

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Y/N's Pov.

I froze. I couldn't move, my body wouldn't let me. I just stood there beside Vaati, staring at Link. Within a flash, I had quickly broken away from Vaati, running over to Link and embracing him. He quickly drops his sword and wraps his arms around me tightly.
"H-How are you here? How did you find this place?" I ask, looking up at him.
"I've been searching for you ever since you went with 'him,'" Link starts, glaring at Vaati. He then lets go of me and picks up his sword, pushing me behind him.
"Stand back! I'll stop him right here!" He states, his sword pointed at Vaati. It was only then that I had noticed the look on Vaati's face. He looked so hurt that my heart felt like it might break right then and there.
"No, Link, stop!" I quickly say, grabbing his arm. Link stops and looks at me in confusion. I take a deep breath before I began speaking.
"You don't understand. Vaati isn't cruel or evil." I begin.
"What are you talking about?! He kidnapped you!" Link states.
"Yeah, but the only reason he did so was because he's lonely and wanted someone to care about and love him."
"But he... He kissed you!" He says, sounding angrier this time.
"No, I kissed him!" I quickly say before covering my mouth. Link's eyes widen at that.
"W-What do you mean...?" I look away from him, not saying another word.
"I get it now..." Link then says, his face seeming to darken a bit. "He must've put some kind of spell on you!" My eyes widen, and I quickly shake my head.
"No! He didn't!" But Link wouldn't listen. He immediately began charging at Vaati. Vaati's eyes widen as he quickly steps back, creating a powerful gust to push Link back, but not enough to actually hurt him, thinking that I would be upset with him if he hurt Link. Link managed to push through, though, his anger and rage towards the wind sorcerer making him stronger, as he began swinging his sword at him.
"Please stop!" I beg. I quickly run over to them and try to make Link stop, but he only knocks me back slightly so that I wouldn't interfere. This angers Vaati, his red eyes emitting a slight glow as he creates an air blast at Link. Before it could hit him, though, I quickly stood up and pushed him out of the way, the attack hitting me instead.
"Y/N!!!" Both Vaati and Link cried out in fear. I was knocked back, my elegant F/C dress now tattered. Link quickly ran over to my side.

"Y/N, are you alright?!" He asks worriedly, gently holding me up in his arms. I looked up at him and nodded my head a bit.

"I'm fine..." I then look over to Vaati, who had the look of terror in his eyes. I stand back up carefully, stumbling a bit as I still felt a bit hurt from the air blast, and began walking over to Vaati. Vaati notices and quickly takes a step back.
"Don't come near me Y/N!" He says. I immediately stopped as he said that, a frown painting my face.
"I am a monster..." I hear him mumble, and before I could say anything, he says the one word I never thought I would hear him say: "Go..."
"W-What...?" I ask, confused as to what he had meant.
"Go, get out of here. Go back to your kingdom with your hero... You are no longer bound to me. You no longer have to be my bride..." My eyes widen at his words. A part of me almost did just want to leave, but I didn't move from my spot. Instead, I took another step closer to him.
"Vaati, please..." I say quietly. Vaati then growls lowly before glaring at me.
"JUST GO!!!" He roars out, tears forming in his eyes. I jump back in fear and quickly run back to Link. He holds me close to him before taking my hand and starting to leave, keeping an eye on Vaati to make sure he didn't follow or try to attack them again. I hesitantly follow Link, looking back to Vaati with sorrowful eyes.
"Farewell..." I whisper before heading back to the castle with Link.

Vaati's Pov.

I watched as my Y/N- no, she wasn't mine anymore... She never was... I was as Y/N walked away with Link. She glanced back to me, a sorrowful look on her face before she said something that I couldn't hear. Once she was out of sight, I had collapsed on my knees, now letting the tears fall down my face.
"What have I done...?" I say to myself, looking at my hands. I had hurt her. I had hurt my precious- no, I had hurt the precious princess. Why...? Why did I let my anger get the best of me? And now she's gone, and she'll never be mine. Not that she ever would have been before anyway...
I raised a hand to my lips, still feeling the warmth linger on them from our kiss. That kiss didn't mean anything... Not anymore...
"Farewell Y/N..." I whisper before teleporting back to my Wind Palace. I went through the halls, ignoring all of my servants and monsters, to my room, shutting the door behind me with a slam. I walked over to my desk and sat in my chair, wiping the tears from my eyes. I looked up at the large mirror that was placed on the desk in front of me. I frown and place my hand on the glass as I began emitting a dark aura.

"If I can't have her, I'll take Hyrule instead..." I say with a smirk before the glass shatters.

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