Chapter 3: The Dilemma and Decision

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Y/N's Pov.

"She can't go! Not with that-... that monster!"
"What other choice do we have?"
"I won't let my daughter go through with this!"
"That mage will destroy Hyrule tonight if we don't do something."
"Y/N is a princess and my best friend. I won't let that 'monster' take her away from me!"
These were all voices I heard coming from downstairs. I knew that two of the voices who were defending me were coming from Link and my father, and figured the other voices were just other guards who were discussing the matter with them. It was sunset. Today was the day. The day I had to make my decision. I thought that the mage might forget this whole 'bride' thing and we'd be able to have more time to think of a strategy, but I was wrong. Ever since the festival, I've been seeing him in my dreams, lurking in the shadows, terrorizing me. I knew that he wouldn't forget and that my choice on this would decide whether Hyrule would live or perish. That mage was powerful, easily defeating Link at the tournament, and we all knew that three days was not enough time to find a way to stop him. I wanted to go. I had to go. It was my duty, as the princess, to protect Hyrule. And if that meant that I would have to marry a horrible, evil sorcerer, then so be it. I took a piece of parchment and a quill, sitting down at my desk and began to write.

Dear everyone,

I am sorry, but I have made my decision. By the time you read this, I probably won't be here anymore. I know that it may sound stupid and that I shouldn't do this, but I have to. I want to, to save my kingdom and everyone I care about. Link, if you read this, I'm sorry, but please don't hate me and don't follow me. We'll see each other again, I know we will.



I felt some tears well up in my eyes as I finished writing, but I wouldn't let them fall. I needed to be strong. For Hyrule and for my loved ones. I roll up the parchment and place it on my bed. I pull on my hooded cloak and then open the window, carefully climbing down the large tree that was right next to it. I remembered how I used to climb down this tree to sneak out of the castle to see Link sometimes. I smiled at the memory, reaching the ground. I sneak to the back of the castle, where there was a secret entrance by the gate, and snuck out of the castle grounds. I quickly walked towards the forest before anyone could notice who I was, though I heard some people mumbling about how worried they were about what would happen to either me or the kingdom. I stopped once I reached the edge of the forest. Taking a deep breath in and exhale before stepping into the gloomy forest. The wind seemed to pull me in, leading me deeper into the forest. Knowing that it must've been Vaati, I followed after it. Eventually, I came to a wide-open field, surrounded by dead grass. There was a rock in the center of it, with the purple man sitting on top of it, facing away from me. I gulp and pull off my hood, slowly walking over to. Vaati hears me and immediately turns his head, causing me to stop in my tracks. He smirks and quickly appears in front of me before I could even blink.

"I see that you choose to make the 'right' decision, didn't you?" He asks, his red eyes piercing at me. I hesitate for a moment before nodding my head.

"Yes. I will go with you." I respond quietly. Vaati narrows his eyes at me and crosses his arms.

"You know very well that I wanted you to say something else." He says. "Hm... Perhaps I should make it seem more appropriate." Vaati snaps his fingers, and in his hand appears a small jewelry box. I already knew what was inside of it. Vaati opens the box to reveal a beautiful purple jewel on a golden ring inside.
"So, Princess Y/N of Hyrule, will you become my queen?" Vaati asks with a grin on his face. I tried to say something at first but his red eyes and sharp canines frightened me. I heard him grumble in annoyance and remembered what I was supposed to say.
"No, Y/N, don't!" My eyes widen as I see Link run into the field, holding up his sword and shield. Vaati glared at the green-clad hero in annoyance and anger.
"Not you again. Stay back!" Vaati says, creating a powerful wind and sends it at Link. Link tries to stay on his feet, though gets knocked back by the attack. He holds out his arm, ready to strike Link with another attack.
"Link! Vaati, please don't! Let me speak to him." I plead, grabbing Vaati's arm to make him stop. Vaati looks to me, an angry look on his face that made me fear for my own life before lowering his hand.
"Fine. Just make it quick." He responds with no emotion in his voice. I nod and quickly run over to Link.
"Link, I thought I told you not to follow me. Did you not read the-"
"I read it, but I couldn't just let you go and become the bride of him!" He states, pointing to Vaati, making Vaati grimace at him. I glance back to the wind sorcerer before looking back to Link.

"Link, I have to do this. I have already made my decision, and neither you nor anyone else will change it. As the princess, I order you to accept my decision." I respond sternly and look down at the ground, immediately feeling bad that I had to speak that way to Link. Link looks at me with his eyes wide at first before saddening.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I don't want to lose you..." I look back up at Link, noticing some tears forming in his eyes. I smile and wipe his tears away.
"I'm sure. I promise you that I'll be okay." Link manages to smile through his sadness.
"Alright. I will let you go through with this, my princess." He says, taking my hand and kissing the top of it, making me blush. Vaati growls at Link's action and pulls me away from him by my arm.
"You still haven't given me your answer, Princess." He says, sounding somewhat angry. I sigh and hesitantly look up at Vaati's blood red eyes.
"I will marry you."
"Excellent." Vaati smirks and quickly picks me up in his arms, causing me to squeak slightly. Link growls at this.
"You hurt her a hair on her head, and I'll-"
"Relax, I won't harm this precious angel, so long as you don't try to take her back. If you, or anyone else, even attempt to enter my territory, our deal is off!" I squirm a bit in Vaati's arms, not liking the feel of him holding me. He looks at me and brushes his hand against my cheek. I try to move away from his touch, though to no avail.

"Stop squirming, my dear. We need to get everything prepared for our wedding now. Farewell, 'Hero.'" Vaati says as he disappears into the wind with me, laughing maniacally. I feel myself become light-headed before passing out in the mage's arms.

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