Chapter 8: Winter Fun

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Y/N's Pov.

I had stayed with Vaati already for a month or two, and I must admit that I am enjoying my time with him. I lost track of counting the number of days that I spent with him after the first few weeks. At first, I was terrified of Vaati, but now I think I understand why he wanted a bride. I have a feeling that he was just lonely. He lived in this castle surrounded by nothing but his servants, and no one else. It's obvious that he would want companionship after being alone for so long. I can't help but feel sorry for him. He's not a bad guy, he just wants to be loved by someone.

I was now sitting on my bed, looking out the window as I take notice of a snowflake falling from the sky, followed by several more. I open my window, feeling a slight chill as the cold enters my room.
"It's winter already? Time sure does fly by quickly." I say aloud to myself, smiling softly. It was then that I hear a knock on my door.
"Come in." The door then opens with Vaati on the other side. He was holding some new clothes in his hands as he walks inside.
"Hello Y/N. Ready to go outside?" My ears perk up slightly at that.
"Yeah, it is winter after all, so I thought that the two of us could go back down to Hyrule and do something together.." He says a bit quietly.
"Back... to Hyrule?" I repeat, hoping that I heard him correctly.
"Oh, well we won't be going to the town, because, well," He chuckles a bit. "I'm not allowed to go there, so, we'll just go the forest if that's okay with you." I frown a bit, kind of sad that we wouldn't go to the town, but he did have a good point. I was just hoping to see Link again... I sigh and smile, nodding.
"Sure, that's fine with me." Vaati then grins childishly.
"Great! Here, put these on!" He says, handing me the clothes he was holding. "They're some winter clothes that I got for you. I hope you like them. I'll let you change into them." He says before heading out of my room. I look at the close that he had handed me and smile, taking a moment to change into them. It was a F/C (favorite color) winter dress, coming with matching boots, scarf, and gloves.
"Okay, I'm ready." I say as I walk out of my room. Vaati was waiting right outside for me, and I could see a faint blush on his cheeks as I walked out. He then mutters something that I can't hear.
"Hm? Did you say something Vaati?" I ask, tilting my head slightly.
"I-I said y-you look b-beautiful." He says a bit louder, stammering a bit. I feel my own cheeks turn rosy a bit and smile.
"Thank you Vaati. Anyways, how will we get back down to Hyrule from here?" I ask. Vaati then suddenly wraps an arm around my waist.
"Hold onto tight!" He says as I feel the wind in the room pick up. I close my eyes as I feel it grow stronger and after a while, it just stops.
"You can open your eyes now." I hear Vaati say. I do, and I see that now we're in a forest just outside the town, the forest that Link and I used to come to play in.
"It feels like just yesterday that I was last here." I say with a smile on my face before looking to Vaati, who was smiling as well.
"Come on, let's walk around." He says, taking my hand and pulling me along with him. I smile and follow after him.
"So, where are we going?" I ask.
"You'll see." He responds as we continue walking. I look at the wintery forest as we walk, seeing the ground and trees all covered in fresh snow, some still falling from the sky. We eventually stop as we come enter a clearing with a large lake that was frozen over with ice.
"Oh, wow! It's so pretty!" I exclaim cheerfully. Vaati smiles when seeing how happy I was and walks closer to the lake.
"Have you ever ice-skated before?" He asks, to which I raise an eyebrow and shake my head.
"I have, but not very many times. It's been a long time since I did it last." I sigh.
"Come on then, I'll show you." Vaati says, using his powers to create some skates for the both of us. I take my pair of skates and put them on. Vaati puts his on as well and skates out onto the ice, looking back to me. It takes me a moment to get used to standing up on the skates again before I carefully step onto the ice. I feel myself stumble and slip, but Vaati quickly caught me, chuckling a bit.
"Don't worry, I got you. We'll do it together. Just put one foot in front of the other." He says, holding onto me as we skate together. I blush slightly and hold onto him, worried that if I let go, I might fall. After of while around the lake together, Vaati speaks up again.
"See, you're getting the hang of it. Do you want to try it on your own?"
"What?! No! I'll fall!" I quickly say, tightening my grip on Vaati. I then hear him chuckle.
"Don't worry, I'll stay right next to you. I just want to see if you can do it on your own. If you fall, I promise that I'll catch you." He reassures me. I hesitantly nod.
"O-Okay." Vaati then slowly lets me go. I stumble a bit before regaining my balance on the ice and skating on my own.
"Hey Vaati, I'm doing it! I'm skating!" I say cheerfully, looking back to Vaati. Vaati smiles at first before his smile fades quickly and his eyes widen.
"Y/N, look out!" He states. I raise an eyebrow and look ahead of me, my eyes widening in fear as I see myself heading towards an ice rock. I try to come to a stop, but just continue sliding against the eyes. I close my eyes as I prepare for impact, but it never comes. Confused, I open my eyes to see Vaati holding me in his arms, a look of concern in his eyes.
"Are you okay?" He asks worriedly. I nod and blush as I notice the way he was holding me, like a bride. He then smiles and places me down, holding both of my hands in his own.
"Let's skate together again now." He says and the two of us skate around the ice together, like we were dancing. I smile and laugh softly, enjoying my time skating with the Wind Sorcerer. After a while, Vaati stops and picks me up again, skating back to the edge of the lake and placing me down on the ground gently before sitting down next to me.
"I'm glad that you're okay. I would hate for anything to happen to my lovely bride." He says before hugging me. My cheeks turn a light pink color as I hug him back.
"Y-Yeah..." I respond, not angry with him this time for calling me his 'bride' like I would normally be. But why though? Why was I okay with hearing him saying it this time?

Vaati x Reader: The Princess and the Wind MageWhere stories live. Discover now