I Want To Re-Open The Case!

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Now the whole matter was clear to Stella. She at last understood that her mom wants justice. Her mom wants to punish her killer. So that's why she is asking help from Stella. She wants that Stella find her killer and give him punishment.
So the first thing which came to her mind was the police investigation. But will police be able to find her mom's killer? Cuz police have already failed to find the killer. So will they be able to find her mom's killer? This question was continously coming on her mind.
But she cannot sit peacefully until she find her mom's killer. So there is no harm if she re-open her mom's murder case.
So she went to her dad to tell him about re-opening the case.

Then Stella told to her dad, "Dad!! I want to re-open the mom's case. Will you help me?"
Then her dad said," What are you saying Stella? You know that there is no benefit in re-opening the case. Don't you remember that police was'nt able to find your mom's killer. What do you think that this time they will be able to find your mom's killer? Tell me!!"
"I know that dad! But there is no harm in trying! I want to try once again to find mom's killer. Please dad! Please!!"
"No Stella! I will not listen to you this time.I am sorry!"
"Ok dad!"
Stella knows that her dad will not agree. And she also cannot say anything to her dad about the things which are happening with her. Cuz he will not believe a single word of her. Rather he will say that it is all her illusion. Nothing happen like this!
But Stella have to do something. So she decides to go alone to the police station and re-open her mom's case.
So when her dad went to the office, she started for the police station. At that time a message came in the phone. It was Smith's messsage!
It was written there-
Stella l want to meet you. Will you please come now to meet me? Please meet me at the Lorento Park!!
At first Stella thought that she would not go. But then she thought that maybe there is a urgent work. That's why he is calling her. So she go to meet him.
When Stella entered in the park, she saw that Smith was sitting alone in a bench. Stella go towards him and sat beside him.

Then Smith said, "Hi Stella! How are you?"
"I am fine Smith. Tell me why you have called me here? I don't have time! Please tell me quickly"
"What! Today is valentines day! I just forgot! And you have called me here for wishing me? I cannot believe Smith! Do you know that I have came here leaving such a important work. I thought that you have called me here for an urgent work. But you!! I am going!"
By saying that, Stella went from the park angrily! Then Stella went straight to the police station.
After that she said to an officer, "Hello officer! I want to talk to you about an important matter."
Then officer said, "Yeah!Yeah!! Tell me how can I help you?"
" Well the matter is that my mom Alayna Wattson died two years ago. Her murder case was going in these police station. But this case was closed few months ago. But now I want to re-open case."
"What??I mean are you sure that you want to re-open the case?
"Yes! But why are you asking this?"
"Because in the most cases there was'nt any in re-opening the case. I have no problem in re-opening it. So are you sure?"
"Yes! I am sure! Please re-open the case."
"Okay! We will inform you if we find anything."
"Okay sir! Thank you so much."

Stella does'nt know why, but she was feeling like she took her first  step to free her mother from the pain and she will reach to her destination soon.

So guys, this is the end of 13th part. And I hope that everyone liked it.

So will police be able to find Stella's mom killer?
Inform me in the comment box.......♥♥

And specially thanks to DiariesT33 for suggesting me  these part. Love you and thank you once again.
At last, stay happy and always keep smiling.
Yours ever,

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