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Is Smith a super hero or anything else??!! That question was roaming in Stella's mind. Do you know why?? Because Smith completed the challenge!!! He literally climbed 100 stairs by taking Stella in his arms!!

Shocked Stella said, "How....... how it is possible!!? I am not getting anything! Oh God!! That mean l lost! No!!!!!!!!!😠😠"
"Yes Stella! You lost!!" said Smith.
"Oh no!! But how could l lost!? OMG!! Now l have to fulfill your one wish you will say!!? Oh gosh! So say! What do you want from me? Tell me quickly!!!"
"I will tell you when right will come. You just remember that you have to fulfill my one wish! Now l have to go! Bye!"

By saying that, Smith went away. Then Stella and Mary also went to their home. When she reached her house, her dad was again not in home. She was alone. She became fresh but still her mood was off because of that incident. So she decided to see a horror movie. It was evening at that time. As the sky was overcast with black clouds and no one was in the house except her, she thought that seeing horror movie is a good idea.
But she just forgot that her life has not became less than a horror movie. She made some popcorns and turned off all the lights. She decided to see "The Exorcist".

The movie started. It was really a very horrific and scary movie. Whenever a jump scare is coming in the movie, the heartbeat of Stella is increasing. Suddenly the bell of the door rang. Stella became so scared after hearing the bell suddenly. She was so
scared to open the door. Then by gaining courage, she opened the door. It was Mary!
She was so relieved after seeing Mary. She dragged her inside the home and closed the door. Then Stella and Mary sat on the sofa and Stella was so happy that doesn't have to see these creepy movie alone. But....! Mary was not normal today. She was a bit different than before. She was not talking to Stella and was sitting in the sofa quietly like a statue. And the most shocking matter was that her both eyes was fully red. And she was looking at Stella continuously with a weird smile. But Stella didn't noticed all these. She was busy to see the movie.

Then after half an hour, Mary went to the kitchen to drink water. She told that to Stella but it was not true. Really it was not! When Mary came back, there was a...... Kn...knife on her hand. Stella was terrified after seeing that. At first she thought that Mary is joking with her. But her face was not telling that. Her face had became red due to anger and she was coming gradually towards Stella. It was clearly seen in her eyes that she wants to kill Stella. Yes! She wants to kill her best friend!!! You are thinking that how it is possible! But it was really happening!

Stella said to Mary, "Mary! What happened to you? Why are you doing this? You wants to kill me?! You want to kill your best friend?! Please, Mary!! Stop all these! For God sake stop all these!!"
But...! Mary did not stopped! It seemed that all the words of Stella did not reached to her. She was not in her sense and Stella understood that.
Then by not seeing any way, she ran towards the roof. Mary also ran behind her. Mary was coming towards her. She also locked the door of the roof so that Stella could not run from the roof. Stella was fully speechless. She was not understanding that what she should do now! Her mind was fully blank! Mary came more near to her and she was going to stab the knife on the heart of Stella. Stella closed her eyes and she accepted that it is the end of her life. But... Suddenly a miracle happened! Although it saved Stella's life but she did not wanted that miracle! She will never want a miracle that will take her best friend's life. Yes! When Mary was going to kill Stella, she slipped and was falling from the roof. But at that time, Stella hold her hand. This time, Mary was in her sense. She was so shocked and confused that why she is hanging here! She was in her house, then how she came her! All these questions were roaming in Mary's mind.

Stella understood everything now. But... Now at this moment, it is important to save Mary. Stella was holding her hand tightly and she does not want to loose her best friend because of her. Never!

So guys, this is the end of part 19. I hope you liked it!
What do you think that why Mary was behaving like this? What happened to her? And will Stella be able to save her best friend Mary?
Inform me in the comment box......

This time, it took so long to update the next part. I am really sorry for that! I was really in a mess! By the way, at last stay happy and always keep smiling.
Yours ever,

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