lt Was A Bad Decision To Come Here!

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When Stella rang the bell, the door opened making a scary sound. The most shocking matter was that the door opened by itself. Stella was feeling so scared. But she consoled herself by saying that, maybe someone forgot to close the door and the door opened by the blow of the wind. Then when she kept her first step in the house, she felt a strong feeling that she is doing something wrong. But she did'nt know that why she entered in that house. Why she was so desperate to give back the bag of that girl? She did'nt know!

Then after entering into the house, she was slowly going towards each room. She was calling but nobody came. Then when she was going out from the house, she heard a noise from the upstairs. It was a sound like someone is walking from one side to another side of the corridor. Then she thought that maybe that girl is in the upstairs. So she decided to go upstairs and give that bag to her. Then when she was keeping her feet in each steps of the stair, at that time a creepy sound was creating. When she arrived at the second floor, at that time a sound came from the corner room.
Then she started going towards that room slowly. After that, when she opened the door, she saw that someone is sitting in a rocking chair with a doll. That doll was looking so creepy. It was seemed like that doll was smiling at her. She did'nt know why she was feeling so scared?
Also that room was so cold. Stella was just shivering due to cold. She went slowly towards that person and after that when she called that person, she was just so shocked. What she saw after that was beyond her expectations!
She just became like a statue after sawing that. She was just shivering with fear.
At that time, suddenly Mary came running from outside and pulled Stella from that room. Then they hide quickly inside a room and locked the door. It was looking like now Stella came to her sense.
Then Mary asked to Stella, "What happened to you Stella? What are you doing in these haunted house? And why you were standing there like an statue? If something would happened to you!! What will l do then? Tell me!"
"Leave all these! At first you tell me that how you came here? How did you know that l am here?"
Mary said, "Well when l became free, then l thought to go to Smith's house and meet with you. Then while going, l saw your car beside the road. So that's why l came here. And what about you?"
Then Stella explained whole incident to Mary.
After hearing that, Mary said, "You should'nt come here Stella. You should'nt."
At that time, someone started to knock the door loudly.


Mary and Stella were really scared. They was'nt understanding what to do! At that time, there eyes fell on the window. So they decided to jump from the window. They were in the second floor so if they will fell then they will not die. So at first Mary jumped from the window and then Stella. Mary had a severe injury in her hand because of jumping from the window. And Stella's left leg was sprained due to this. But after all these they were happy because they are safe now.
Then they went to the car slowly.
They two were helping each other to go to the car cuz they both were injured. At last they arrived to the car and after that they left that place quickly.

And it was fifth attack on Stella. The whole situation is going worst and worst day by day. Now Stella don't what she should do to stop all these and also there is no surity that every time she will escape from all these dangers.

So guys this is the end of 15th part. And l hope that everyone liked it.

Don't you think that jumping from the window was a bad decision? And coming to this house was more worst decision than this?
Inform me in the comment box......
And l am so sorry for late update. I was so busy cuz my exams were going. So l did'nt got time to update. So sorry for that.
At last stay tuned and always keep smiling.♥
Yours ever,

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