Chapter 8 - Alter Ego

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I am on my way to Oreburgh City when someone appears to be blocking the entrance of the cave that leads to the city. It looks to me that he is a Hiker the way he dress.

"Howdy trainer!" The Hiker asked me.

"Uh... Hi there!" I greeted politely.

"Enough with that, the name is Manuelo. I'm a Hiker. Very obvious to my appearance though. I'm in search for a strong Pokémon trainer. Do you know someone you could recommend?"

"Yep. Your wish is my command and Dawn is the name at your service."

"Are you serious? You're just a young girl. Unless you have badges."

"In fact, I'm on my way to Oreburgh City to get my very first badge."

"-sigh- Still, you don't have any badges. You are not qualified."

"Okay fine. What is your reason on searching for a strong Pokémon trainer anyway?"

"I'll show you. Follow me inside."


Manuelo led me the way inside the not so dark and not so bright cave called Oreburgh Gate. He showed me the reason for his search.

"This path leads you to the dark and very mysterious part of the cave. I wanted to explore it but I need someone who can accompany me. Someone strong who can face anything. I can't do it with myself. Nobody knows what awaits you ahead. It's been rumored that nobody was able to come back when they explore it." Manuelo explained.

"Sounds scary. Does it mean that I have to take this path just to make it to Oreburgh City?" I nervously asked him.

"No. See this other path. As you can see there is a light coming from outside. Just follow it and the you'll find the exit and you'll be in Oreburgh City in no time." He replied.

"What a relief. I thought I would have to cross this SCARY path."

"So Dawn, I hope you do well on your Gym battle and get that badge. If that happens, will you join me to explore this path?"

"Uh... Let me think about that."

"Take your time thinking. I will wait here until the time comes for me to explore it."


5 minutes later...


Finally I'm here at Oreburgh City. I'm quite far from the scary dungeon that Manuelo was talking about so I can put it out of my mind and focus on my Gym match. Right now I'm standing in front of the Gym. The structure has an automatic door just like in Pokémon Centers and PokéMarts that opens and close automatically when a person is close to it. But strangely, the door won't open as I went closer to it. Perhaps the Gym is close? I'm not sure of it.

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